Big Chief 6/19

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Well, after a long wait I finnally started me coasting season, and it was a great start!

As soon as we got there, my uncle had troubles deciding what to get (because he is a moron) but after 5 minutes of explaining to him, I convinced him to get the wristband, and I did the same. WE headed to Cyclops first, I rode last seat 2nd last car with my Grandma, my uncle rode back seat. I must say, this coaster is great! Short, but sweet. The last big drop is awesome!
Next, we headed to Zeus. Last car, with my uncle. This was better in some ways, worse in others. I buckled the seat belt, and barely tightened it. I lowered the lap bar, I still had about 3 inches of room. I was expecting the ride-op to push it down on me, but he just pulled up on it to check it. Awesome! This let me have great airtime on Zues. Oh, good thing I had a box of Altoids in my pocket, or my keys would have stabbed my leg, the laterals at the turn-around are quite strong, the Altoid tin got all bent up by the end of the day. (I have no way to get the Altoids out! It's jammed shut.)
Next, we headed back to the front, and got in line for Pegasus. After the train went around again, we went on. I was 2nd last row, alone. The junior coaster is strong! Not a whole bunch of airtime, but boy, does it produce the latteral Gs. The last turn into the station has got to be the strongest, when it comes in, you can see everyone on the train slam to the right.
I went on a few go karts, the Medusa Drop track was my favorite. It somehow give you airtime, something I've never gotten from a go kart. Next, I went on Posidon's track, which goes in a tunnel. It was ok. Then, I went on the Grand Prix track, which has faster go karts. It sucked! My stearing could not get worse, I couldn't go fast or I'd spin out, so I got 3 laps while everyone else got 4.
I must say the ride-ops are excellent. On all the coasters, they didn't care that I had my lapbar on the first click, and seatbelt as loose as possible. On Cyclops, even though they have a rule that you must be 18 to be in the last car, they let me ride it, even when there was a line.
Lastly, all day there were no real lines. You would have to wait, for the train to come back to the station, but that was it. I did have to wait two rides for Pegasus though, only because I wanted front seat and it was taken.
BTW, there is a SkyScraper in Wisconsin Dells, not far from Big Chiefs, I was going to go on it, but chickened out at the last minute. I would like to know, are they better than Giant Drops?

Best rides:
1. Cyclops
2. Zeus
3. Pegasus

Lastly, every ride is accually 2 laps! I think thats a good idea, considering track length is 1,900', 2,900', or shorter. Oh, and because of 1 train operation, you go flying through the station!

Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey! *** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 6/19/2001. ***
Looks like you basically had the same experiences as to what I answered for you on your question topic of Big Chiefs. I also noticed your comment in General Buzz stating that SFGAm ride ops suck compared to Big Chiefs. You have to remember that both of these parks are of a different caliber. Big Chiefs is a private family owned business that just happens to have 3 CCI coasters(and we thank them for that) but SFGAm is a corporate run park with strict rules that the ride ops have to abide by. While I like the coasters at Big Chiefs, I must say that the ops on the coasters and Go-Karts really dont have rules. They barely check lap bars and just basically run the ride. Heck, the ride ops are allowed to smoke at their control stations. What I am trying to say is you cant compare apples with oranges. Glad you finally made it out there and yes I agree that they have 2 underated, not talked about that much CCI goodness.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
gotta agree with chitown.  Big Chief's looks cool though.
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