BGW and PKD advice please!

Don't skip PKD, it's a great park. Hypersonic is really neat, as is Volcano and of course Drop Zone is great. Anaconda and Flight of Fear are also very nice rides and the park is (or at least was when I was there) clean and very well kept/run.
PKD is a great park, personally I enjoyed it a lot more than PKI and at least as much as BGW. Hypersonic is really fun, but if you've been on Dragster it makes Hypersonic seem like Taxi Jam. Volcano is fun although pales awfully in comparison to Alpengeist, however the in-line twists are lots of fun. Avalanche was my favorite bobsled not having been on any of the European ones. They have the best wild mouse anywhere around. Flight of Fear is the greatest indoor coaster, but if you've been to PKI you already know that. Anaconda is the smoothest Arrow looper I've ever ridden, however, you don't notice the drop underwater. In thje wood department I found them extremely lacking. I don't remember Hurler, because I was so frustrated with my 30 min. station wait. Grizzly was ok, however I don't agree with all the praise it gets, and Rebel Yell I only got two miniscule pops of air on either coaster, although I liked backwards. BGW and PKD are two completely different parks and you can't compare the two, however, Pkd is just as much fun as BGW.

"To get from one place to another you have to move." Just a beautiful insight from my social studies teacher, and we wonder what has happened to our school system today.

Oh man, I know the best place to eat near PKD. About 5 or 10 miles south of PKD, on route 1, there is a small kinda hillbilly restoraunt called the Welcome Back Diner, but it has to have some of the best food around, and its miles better than the food in the park or the Burger King across from it. I really recomend going there.

Well after today, I agree, Grizzly can be pretty tame at times, but that is only if you are one of the unlucky ones that gets it when all the grease got washed off by rain. On every other day it is a wonderful ride, dont expect Raven, but still, easily the most intense and air filled experience in Va. Anaconda you have to try in one of the front seats, becaus as I found out today, it is to date the only coaster to start to give me tunnel vision from the Gs. No schwartzy or beemer has done that, just anaconda.

And Though HSXLC is nowhere the ride TTD is, the launch on XLC makes TTD look kiddie. If only the rest of teh ride were as good(sighs). And it all depends on your tastes, but I would take Volcano to Alpi any day, just for the rush, hangtime, and uniqueness it gives. Just my opinion, though, and I am kinda biased(insert winkie smiley)

*** This post was edited by nightride 9/13/2003 11:39:44 PM ***
*** This post was edited by nightride 9/13/2003 11:42:52 PM ***

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I would not cut out PKD. Two days at Busch Gardens is plenty. :-)

Hypersonic and Volcano are worth it alone. :-)

Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

rollergator's avatar
If you MUST ride Sh**wave, just make sure to ride the front to get your *credit lap*.....if you've already ridden it, then you know better and can skip it altogether....

Tina, HOW could you forget PKD's brand-new Drop Zone Tower...perhaps you haven't visited PKD this year...;). The park is chock full of extreme rides like HXLC and Volcano...the wood there is *tempermental* and you can get very meh rides or some very good ones. Maintenance there could certainly use a class with Hammersly...;). But the one ride at PKD I will *never* miss a few laps on is the hidden gem next to Volcano, the awesome bobsled...:)

"Ju-ju-just like the bad guy, from Lethal Weapon 2, I've got diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue, can't touch me...." The Peter Griffin Rap

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