I haven't heard any news or even rumors about what the next attraction will be for BGW after the reports of the new building they wanted to put up for an "Oktoberfest expansion". I'm wondering if this was for 2005 though or if they're just pulling a BGT and not telling anyone. Anyways, here's the latest PR (3/9/04) from BGW about "Busch Gardens Vacation" center. I don't think that's our building, but who knows.
http://www.buschgardens.com/buschgardens/va/ftp_press_releases_details.aspx?pr_num=462Edit: I guess 2004 attraction plans haven't been announced yet afterall. http://www.buschgardens.com/buschgardens/va/ftp_community_news.aspx#new2004
-Danny *** Edited 3/9/2004 9:38:17 PM UTC by Koaster King***