BGW 03/12 Alpengeist in the Snow

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I made the trek to BGW from DC in 2.5 hours not bad for 150 plus miles. I was pleased to find Apollos Chariot with some fresh paint, but it wasn't running, or testing.

Once thru the gates I ran into some friends and we made our way to the back of the park. Alpengeist was testing.

Once we arrived they dropped the rope to the backside of the park and we made haste to Alpies queue. CLOSED! But it was nice to see a coaster enthusiast (employee) watching the entrance.

A few mins later they opened the queue and let us up into the station. Seems that the B&M coasters don't run til it's above 40 degrees. A warm spot came over the area and Alpie opened, and soon after that a cold spot came with snow and the ride remained open for a bit we got 2 or 3 rides in the snow, the last one it was coming down quite good! It was like they added theming :)

I won't go into every little detail but I would like to say everything sans the roman rapids, and davincis cradle(DC wasn't missing) was open and operating during the day. The curse of DarKastle will open in may, but it's looking quite nice, and the park has placed employees who have seen the insides near the ride to explain to folks what the ride will be like.

while in the park I did notice numerous expenditures on park improvement and renovation. So it apears that they're ready for a great year!


Snow for themeing huh? I almost went this weekend but didn't, opting for a PKD BGW weekend next weekend instead. Just a little to chilly for me to ride coasters.

A day at the park is what you make it!

"while in the park I did notice numerous expenditures on park improvement and renovation. So it apears that they're ready for a great year!"

Like what? Give us something to look forward to in 6 days. :D

Thanks for the update Sam. We also decided to wait until it warmed up some, so we'll take in the park next weekend. Alpie in the snow does sound fun though.

Moogle16 said:
"while in the park I did notice numerous expenditures on park improvement and renovation. So it apears that they're ready for a great year!"

Like what? Give us something to look forward to in 6 days. :D

Like the complete replacement of the emergency walkway on the train bridge between aquitaine and nessy. resurfacing of the walkway/bridge between italy and germany the change in the entrance to the gift shop across from DarKastle it now has a candy shop and beer sales facility. Addition of padding on pinch points on nessies OTSR's. and lotsa paint and touch ups.

Hello Sam, did you get a photos of Alpengeist in the snow? ^_^
Mmm ... can't wait. I wasn't able to go to the preview day (had to work - sigh) ... but next weekend... it's mine .. all miinnneee. ... muahahaha... eh-hem... sorry :D
Alpengeist in the snow that's insane.

Anyways question. What's more painful being hit by snow or by rain?

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others


BGW is already open for the season? Isn't it kinda early and a crapshoot to open the park this early?

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

It was just a preview day. Both PKD and BGW open for the season next Saturday. PKD opens Friday evening for a gold season pass holder preview of Tomb Raider *** Edited 3/14/2005 1:21:23 PM UTC by coasterguts***

A day at the park is what you make it!

SONiC Senshi said:
Hello Sam, did you get a photos of Alpengeist in the snow? ^_^

Alpengeist in the snow that's insane.

Anyways question. What's more painful being hit by snow or by rain?

definately rain, but that leads me to wonder what a coaster in the SLEET would feel like OWWW!

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