BGW - New 2005 Attraction - Any Information?

So, I've been to Busch Gardens Williamsburg a few times lately and noticed the big building behind the games in Octoberfest and a new sign and pair of skeletons talking about "the other side" .. does anybody have any prelim info on it? By the looks of the tall building skeleton, it looks like it's going to be an indoor coaster of somekind - I dunno .. just an amateur guess. Anybody know anything solid or remotely interesting?
if its skeletons, it probably has to do with the upcoming HallowScream, BGW's halloween thing...but it would be exciting if we were getting a new coaster next year :)

still trying to think of a good signature...

Well, I think the skeletons that are there (right in front of the building in the black wraught-iron walkwalk leading from Aquataine to Octoberfest) are there as a double promotion. They talk about Howl-O-Scream and talk about "don't pay attention to that big building over there" - "Shh - don't mention that it leads to the other side" - "Oh, I know I know it slipped - it won't happen again" - "you really aught to be more careful" - "why are we here again?" - "oh yeah, Howl-O-Scream is just around the corner"... you get the idea ... they talk about both and it works nicely, too (as you would expect from this beautiful park). :) The indoor-coaster is just my thought just from looking at the buildings skeleton - just interested in other peoples` opinions on what they see there and it can relate to.
Don't we all just love to speculate? I am not saying I am privie to any knowledge of any sorts. But I will leave you with these thoughts...I visited the park only once this year, but it was very interesting to say the least. After a less than enjoyable morning (for many unrelated reasons), decided to sign up for "Beer School" in the Irland section. I believe the "Class" was about 20 people. Once they closed the room up, in walked August Busch with about half a dozen of his staff. We got to have a one on twenty with one of the richest men in the free world. (yes, there is a feeling of awe for a minute) He asked what everybody liked best about the park, and what you liked the least. When you told them what you liked and disliked, they were taking notes. Anyway, I told him, as an aside, to bring back Louie and Frankie and the ferret. It was kind of the (look) he had when I said that. It was the same look I got when I said this park needs a wood coaster, perhaps heavily themed like "Lost Coaster of Sperstition Mt." Now, I'm not naive, I know these rides take years of work before ground breaking. It was just his look. Could you imagine...Gravity Group on a Busch Gardens budget...with a haunted theme?....ohhhh boooooy.....I need some time alone...hehehe...enjoy

Take Me Higher a search...I've said it several times:


It's the merging of 4 defunct Arrow coasters including their beloved Drachen Fire. At the end of the brakes a guy runs up and hits you in the head with a brick so it's extra fun!!

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
::sighs:: ... this is going well..
What do you expect? They haven't announced anything, so there's nothing to tell except maybe, at best, a stupid rumor.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
The dipping dots guy told me it was a racing/dueling/spinging wild mouse ride. *** Edited 8/20/2004 5:06:29 AM UTC by notnow1218***
Spinging? Is that a new type of coaster I've not heard of before, notnow?;)
Rctycoon2k's avatar
Peabody, you got the name right this time... been studying? ;)

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