BGT Aug 12/13 What's up with Gwazi??

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Anyway, what I'm wondering is, if the Ride Ops did nothing to speed up the loading times why didn't they just get new ride ops?? Granted, most of the time they try as hard as they can to make it quick but sometimes they crawl down the rows.

I should have mentioned actually that some of the Ride Ops are not totally at Fault. I noticed the Ride Ops on the Lion Side were awesome, they were pretty much running up the trains, while checking the restraints at the same time, and were really fast. But The Tiger Ride Ops were the worst, they were the ones taking their time getting the trains ready which delayed things. Infact it was so bad, that one of the Lion Ride Ops was really annoyed with the Tiger Ops Ops for being so slow, because The Lion Ride Ops had their train ready to go while the Tiger Ride Ops still hadnt finished checking the seatbelts.

What I think needs to be done to speed up operations is

A) Put the SeatBelt on and Pull the LapBar down at the same time. I am absolutly baffled why BGT insist on you putting on your seatbelt first, and then afterward pulling down the LapBar, this slows down operations by a long way and they really should be done at the same time.

B) Get Rid of the SeatBelts, I dont see what stupid use they have anyway and The LapBars are enough to keep you in the trains, So why dont they get rid of them, because again in this example, Dispatches would improve grately, and Duelling could easily continue


I might take you up on that! My wife and I are heading out to Cali again next year in May to hit DCA, DL, KBF, and SFMM. And if I'm lucky, I'll be able to squeeze in E3 for my gaming fix as well. :-)

Not sure if we'll make it up towards HP in this next year or not. It depends on if we do our 5th cruise later in the year. If not, then a 2nd coaster trip would be in order!



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