Best way to Kennywood from Columbus, OH

Yeah, I know there are map sites that could answer this question but I would like the opinions from some here. What is the fastest and easiest way to get to Kennywood from Columbus? Also, about how long should the drive take on a weekday morning? Any help is a bonus.

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Obviously he was looking for a little more input than the copy and pasting of website url's. Online maping services certainly don't always give you the best route...believe you me.

James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus"

That's exactly what I was trying to imply. I've already tried one and it couldn't get me out of Columbus without problems, just imagine if it messes up with an area I know nothing about. I'm interested in knowing hassle free routes since it's a brand new area to me and I'll most likely be traveling alone (no co-pilot to help locate key streets and such). I also have a detailed Rand-McNally map, but the route that looks best isn't always the fastest or easiest way to go. Any help is appreciated. Or an even easier way, does anyone in Columbus want to go to Kennywood this Wednesday that knows the way. I'm driving.

I don't know the exact routes, but it's really easy. You just take 70 all the way to Washington, Pa., where that splits off... then you take whatever interstate that is that goes north into Downtown Pittsburgh..... then as soon as you pass through the Fort Pitt tunnel Downtown, you switch interstates again, basically following the Monongehelia River to, I believe, the Squirrel Hill exit. Then you follow the yellow arrows to the park.

Sorry - that wasn't very helpful.

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*** This post was edited by Den on 5/20/2002. ***

To take Den's instructions and elaborate a bit, that'd be I70 East to I79 North to I279 North.

On I279, once you're through the Fort Pitt Tunnel you'll be exiting on the right to pick up I376 East.

Take the Squirrel Hill exit. Upon getting off, go straight, down Beechwood Boulevard, following the signs for the Waterfront and Homestead. Please be sure to slow down from highway speeds on Beechwood -- it's a residential street that people (including myself) actually do live on; I've come very close to being hit several times by drivers flying down this road as if they were still on the interstate.

Anyway, once you're on Beechwood, go straight through the next 2 lights. At the second light, you'll end up on Browns Hill road, headed downhill. (Beechwood veers off to the left at this point). You'll pass a Wendy's on your left. Keep going down, getting in the left lane (if you're not already) as you cross the aptly-named High Level Bridge. At the second light once you've hit the bridge, turn left, onto 8th Avenue. This turns into Kennywood Boulevard; the park will be on your left after a few miles, but the parking lot is on the RIGHT.

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I DO NOT recommend taking IR-70 to IR-79 because to the best of my knowledge, IR-79 through and to the North of Washington may still be under construction. Last time I took that route it took me two hours to get through Washington, PA. If that situation has changed, someone can report on it.

Lately my favorite route has also been a compromise to the shortest route: I typically take IR-70 to IR-77, then take IR-77 North an exit or two to US-22, then follow US-22 all the way to the Swissvale exit. US-22 is a winding country road until you get near Steubenville, from there on out it's 4-lane divided highway until you get to Pittsburgh. There, US-22 joins IR-279 North (which, curiously enough, goes South) which will take you to IR-376 East. Take IR-376 East to the Swissvale exit and follow the signs to Kennywood. I live at the intersection of IR-71 and North Broadway, and it takes me almost exactly 200 miles and under four hours to get to Kennywood.

There are some "gotchas". The Fort Pitt tunnel is presently under construction and when I went through a few weeks ago the Westbound tunnel (to go home) was closed and I had to follow a detour to go around. Also, US-22 is under construction just West of IR-279, but that has never resulted in major delays when I've gone through there.

If you are uncomfortable driving on winding 2-lane roads, you can eliminate that part of the drive by taking IR-70 all the way to OH-7 at Bridgeport (across the river from Wheeling) and going up OH-7 along the river to US-22. But if you do that you negate most of the benefit to taking US-22 in the first place...that is, the diagonal from Cambridge to Pittsburgh is shorter than the two legs from Cambridge to Washington to Pittsburgh.

I've also taken OH-209 from IR-70 up to US-22, through Cambridge. IR-77 is a better choice unless you WANT to drive through Cambridge.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

With Dave Althoff! LOL :)
Brad Sherman
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Thanks for all of the assistance, at least now I have some ideas and a couple of different routes to take. I don't mind country roads, actually I love them, so I might go that route. Anyway thanks again and I never realized how close I live to Rideman (I'm near Indianola & Hudson myself).
State route 22 is often considered one of the more dangerous roads to travel on because of its curves. But i do enjoy taking that route, and it is a more direct shot.

Another option in the city is to bypass the tunnel off of I 279 and heading around the hill to the South Side neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Head east on Carson St through the neighborhood and it will eventually become Kennywood Blvd. I'm sorry i don't know the exact names of the roads from 279 to Carson, but i suggest it not only because the tunnel is always a bottleneck (with or without construction) but 379 east is also a road with a lot of delays. 379 is the main artery (more like the only one) to the east side suburbs. I would definately consult a map of Pittsburgh before going no matter what route you choose. Pittsburgh is a confusing city with all of the elevation changes and rivers, and really has little options when traveling through the city. There are no direct routes, especially to Kennywood. But for the first time in Pittsburgh it is definately the safe bet to go through the tunnel to 379. If you're feeling adventurous, on the trip back head west on Kennywood Blvd through the various cities back into the south side and follow the I 279 signs back to the interstate, it is much easier to traverse this route heading out of the city.

Yes, the Carson Street route works, although I BELIEVE part of Carson is under construction now as well (I'm not positive, though, as I haven't been down that side of Carson in a while).

Note that Carson can move pretty slowly right around the "South Side" area -- lots of traffic lights (but also lots of cool funky shops, bars, etc., including the place that still serves what I consider the best wings in Pittsburgh -- Fatheads)

It's 376 East, not 379. I've made that mistake myself in giving directions :)

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