Best Signature Ever!

What signature do you think is the most creative of all CoasterBuzz history? There are so many good ones, and I haven't been here too long, so I dont have a favoite. I try to come up with good ones, "love my own, lol", but what is your favortie?

Hopefully this is not an "illegal" post!

2025- "I can't believe Cedar Point has a 750 ft. tall coaster, won't it sink?"

Just two words.....


Wood Rules!

Any top 10 list because it's such a blatant violation of forum rules!

*** This post was edited by GandC on 1/18/2003. ***

any simpsons ones get my vote

Nemesis Inferno - The Pressure is Building!
Rare RollerCoaster Resources -

Umm.... GandC..... I would just like to say.....


That should have never been posted and you better be sooo glad you removed the link before other people saw that.

Wood Rules!

What did he post that was so bad?

you really dont wanna know, i had the extreme displeasure of also seeing!

Nemesis Inferno - The Pressure is Building!
Rare RollerCoaster Resources -

"We consider ourselves coaster enthusiasts, but to the park, we're all GP."

That is not the best, but a good one I remembered.

I saw the link also...very disturbing.


*** This post was edited by Universal IOA on 1/18/2003. ***


*** This post was edited by Inedible Hilk on 1/18/2003. ***

I can't believe he's still here after yesterdays posts... I wonder if Jeff missed his topic...

164 and counting...

IOA, if I was Jeff or a mod, I'd hit you with the Banhammer in a heartbeat for posting that link...

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

sorry redman...

*** This post was edited by Universal IOA on 1/18/2003. ***

sorry doesn't cut it...Jeff has been emailed in regards to the link you put in your message before you editied it out.

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...


YOU ARE SUCH A PRICK...I was merely showing everyone the link...Nobody else opened obviously did!

yes, but you also said that the link was something to do with a cute kitty, which it certainly was not! i will also be emailing jeff

Nemesis Inferno - The Pressure is Building!
Rare RollerCoaster Resources -

GandC was the one with the cute you can see...he edited his too...the one where he talks about top10
just read what beastfreak wrote
stop blaming me for the actions of others

Closed topic.

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