Best of Britain

I am finally going to Europe next year and my parents have said that we can go to one amusement park(for one day). I will be ging to Britain and Paris. Knowing that, which park should I go to? I am thinking either Alton Towers or Thorpe Park. I want to go mainly for the roler coasters but if there are some good flats that would be nice too. Also, which is better, Nemesis, or Nemesis Inferno. Does Collosus and NI make it worth it to go to Thorpe rather than Alton Towers even though it has less coaster? Thanks and please tell me the pros and cons if you can.
I've never been-but I think Alton Towers is the obvious choice...what with Air and one of the best themed coasters ever...Nemesis....


Just go to Black Pool Pleasure Beach! Its awsome!

One of the girls had a cute little kitten named kitty-kitty, the other girl had a cute little puppy named Chris, and the third girl was a republican.

Blackpool for sure. It was a great side trip for me. It was about 2-3 hours by train from London and has an awesome collection of coasters including some types that you probably have never been on (wooden mouse, steeplechase, Mobius woodie, Arrow shuttle). They are all good coasters and there's plenty of them. Way more than the other parks.

In addition, Blackpool made a fun trip besides the park. Lots to do in the little boardwalk town.

I really wanted to get to Alton while I was there, but be warned that it is much tougher to get to than the other parks. Not really as easy as just jumping on the train. Pretty much have to brave driving to get there.

Anyways, hope you have fun. Oh, and Tonnerre de Zeus at Parc Asterix (Paris) completely rocks, but it's the only real standout coaster there. *** Edited 11/23/2003 2:49:54 AM UTC by Blaster_1578***

Blackpool is a better bet than Alton simply because it's much easier to access. There are also a lot more rides there.

Aren't you glad I suggested that, colincsl? Hope you have a great time in Europe!

One of the girls had a cute little kitten named kitty-kitty, the other girl had a cute little puppy named Chris, and the third girl was a republican.

Not be contrarian but unless you're a nostalgic I think you should go to Alton Towers.

Heck we've all been on Magnum (although I still can't piece together how the Thompson family thinks it's a "clone") but I do think Revolution is novel.

Anyway I'd suggest Alton Towers because Nemesis
is one of few Beemers that has that compact feel that isn't an Arrow type compact.

As far as Nemesis Inferno I say this: WOULD YOU PAINT OVER THE MONA LISA TO MAKE IT BETTER ??? NOOOO!!!

-nuff' said

I'd have to go with Blackpool - you'll get more rides in too than you would at Alton. And nothing tops the Grand National (imho;))


I would hit Alton.

Blackpool has a load of older rides and some 'classic' woodies, but if you want a nicer environment (e.g. forest), with some newer steel coasters, go to Alton.

Blackpool has some old woodies; they're all good and fun; they have the Big One, which, if you've been on Magnum XL-200, or anything bigger or similar, is nothing special. Then there's Valhalla, an excellent water ride. And that's BPB. It's well worth a visit, yes, but I'd say, for a theme park experience rather than a British seaside amusement park (and considering you only have one day) hit Alton.

AT has Nemesis which is the best inverted coaster around in my opinion (and is one of the most unique coasters ever) plus Air, which is a good B&M Flyer. Oblivion is not too special, but it's probably the only B&M Dive Machine you'll ever ride. Then they have a few standard flat rides...

If you really want the flats, head to Thorpe, which has an impressive line-up, but I think coaster-wise, Alton wins fairly comprehensively, especially with a new Maurer spinner coming next year.

I'd hit Alton, its the best theme park in the UK, its the one everyone goes to... and it has Nemesis.

(But if you could do Alton, Thorpe and Blackpool, I'd do all 3!)

Bear in mind that your parents can get into Blackpool Pleasure Beach without spending a penny, admission is free. They'll have to pay £20+ ($30) each to get into Alton Towers, and there's plenty of cheap accommodation around Blackpool, Alton Towers hotels are nice, but very expensive ($200+ a night).

Nemesis is better than Nemesis Inferno, but both are great. Colossus is awesome. Thorpe has better flat rides than Alton, and is close to London, and usually less busy.

If you are going in July/August, don't even consider Alton, you'll only get on two or three rides. Blackpool's lines are always shorter, and the park stays open in the summer til 10-11pm, whereas Thorpe/Alton shut at 7pm latest.

As for France, Parc Asterix is a nice park and Tonerre de Zeus is awesome, but that's the only real decent thing in the park. Disneyland Paris is the best Disney park, but if you've been to one Disney park, you've been to them all, so I wouldn't bother.

Hope that helps, have a great time. For more info check out the reviews/photos on my site (see sig).

I haven't been to either, but I would pick BPB, simply to ride the only roller coaster without restraints (rollercoaster), and steeplechase, just a unique experience.
Thanks for the Idea of going to BPPB CoasterJosh, but considering we are probably flying into London(possibly flying out of, depends on if we go to France or London first) it would take a LOT longer to get to BP than Alton. I looked on and Alton Towers is about 1/3 the time it takes to get to BP.

Also I have looked at both's roller coaster selections. I would want to go on about the same amount at either place but I would rank the ones at Alton higher than at BP. Especially because I hear Nemisis is such a great coaster and I enjoy inverteds' more than many other types of coasters. I also have never been on a flying coaster or a dive machine. The main reason I would want to go to BP is for the steeplechase, wich looks like a very interesting ride, and the wooden wild mouse. They look like they act a lot different than normal wild mice. Even though they do have the wild mouse Alton Towers is getting a crazy mous(I think thats what it's called). My brother, my dad, and I really liked the only other one we've been on(I forget where it was, it Busch Gardens Williamsburg has one then it was there) and this one seems to ahve an interesting layout. At BP there is Pepsi's Big One which doesn't look half bad but my home park is SF Darien Lake which has Superman and I have been on Magnum XL 200, Millennium Force, Steel Phantom, and the Superman at SF New England.

Another thing is Atmosphere. My mom, who doesn't go on the rides, would rather a place like Busch Gardens than a place like Cedar Point. From what I have heard Alton Towers has a much better atmosphere.

Thanks again for all of the information but like a few of you said and some people on Coastersims I am most likely going to Alton Towers.

edit:formatting *** Edited 11/23/2003 7:21:05 PM UTC by colincsl***

Ok, if you've done those hyper coasters, Big One isn't worth it. Also, while unique, I'd say the two coasters you highlighted at BPB as being reasons for going, Steeplechase and Wild Mouse, aren't worth it. They are different, but aren't that great and feel like death-traps! Plus, AT are getting a newer, steel, spinning Wild Mouse next year.

AT has Nemmy, Air and Oblivion. Go there. Thorpe is good, yeah, but AT has the better coaster line-up, and being in a forest has a nice environment; its just a good theme park.

Thorpe would be easier to get to, but I'd say Alton is more worth the visit. In terms of how busy each park is, Thorpe and Alton are much the same. Alton has Fastrack (free FastPass) on Air and Nemesis which works quite well. If you stay from opening to closing, you'll be able to get several rides there, unless you mess around...

Also in terms of accommodation, you don't need to stay at AT's hotels, even though they are meant to be excellent and have an indoor water park; you could stay at a cheap Bed&Breakfast nearby. If you are staying overnight, get XRT- Extended Ride Time, free with pre-booked tickets, it lets you into the park 30mins earlier than most guests, and gives you this extra time on NEmesis and Air.

Go to ALTON!!! It's a better day out!

Ok, thanks for the information eyeamthu1. I was wondering if they had a fastpass esque thing and haven't remembered to look it up.I will be staying over the night I go to the park but not the night before, so the XRT won't effect me (I think, our plans aren't final at all so it could turn around).

Thanks everybody, unless for odd some reason something goes wrong I'm going to Alton Towers next year B-)

Of course, if you're looking for flat rides, Thorpe Park has the two best flats ever made...


I actually find myself in the same predicament for next year. Only one day for a theme park, one theme park out of them all. Only I have more say in the matter since I'm travelling with my girlfriend and not my parents... :) Basically, I chose Alton Towers for it's beautiful scenery, it's awesome-looking coasters and the fact that it's built around a 7th century castle. My girl should like every single one of my reasons for going there.

I think you made the right choice as well, but like it was mentioned before earlier in the thread, I heard it's not easy getting there. It was recommended by someone to stay at the Alton Towers hotel one night, which is what I plan on doing if it's possible.


Don't put anyone on a pedestal, because then people will point and laugh at them.

coasterdude318 said:
Of course, if you're looking for flat rides, Thorpe Park has the two best flats ever made...

Okay, I give up. Which rides?

Vortex, Detonation and for 2004 Samurai I guess. I haven't been to the park but from other simular rides I've been on they're pretty good. Alton Towers doesn't have any flat rides that really stands out. Also, Alton Towers can get really crowded and when it's crowded it's no that fun...
Yeah, that's it: KMG Afterburner and Mondial Topscan. These are just incredible flat rides. Add the best drop ride out there (Fabbri Megadrop) and Thorpe looks mighty appealing.


rollergator's avatar
The Afterburner I'd definitely agree with, and the Fabbri drop rides I've heard *from reliable sources* are among the best flats out there...gotta find me one of them!

...the Top Scan I wasn't quite as fond of due to the slow speed on the inversion (the seat rotation on the vertical axis)...but lots of people really like that, so there ya have it. I like a good program on a Top Spin (*King Kahuna*) better, but that's me...

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