Best Loopy Landscapes Trainer

Hi! My name's Matt Lynch. I've hardly ever participated in this forum before, but you may know me from such classics as "General Buzz" and "Suggestions for Coasterbuzz". ;)

Anyhow, enough of that. This has probably been discussed before, but the problem is, it's probably been discussed too much for me to find a good answer. So, I'll just ask.

What is the best trainer for Loopy Landscapes? I'm looking for one that unlocks all rides, attractions, theming, etc. Also, it's got to have the ability for unlimited cash and flat land. (Note: I could probably find a flat map somewhere else, so this isn't really a huge problem.)

So what are your suggestions? Please tell me the name of the trainer and where to download it. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Matt Lynch, who's ready to get back into RCT...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Jeff's avatar
Obviously the Dexler patch is first on the list:

Then, I rarely use it other than to make the rides new again, but here's Dragon's IOA:

Webmaster/Admin -
I also agree the Dexler patch is the best.

Las Vegas Rules!!
Dragons is good, but I personally recommend the TRG trainer. it can't flatten all the land or unlock the LL scenarios, but it has almost no bugs, so I'd recommend using it for the features it does have and it's much safer. it's at the site below.

TRG is the trainer of choice for me. All the others had bugs, not to mention TRG uses hotkeys.
TRG! You can attomatically beat the senarios that have a guest or park valure raiting and it has everything else you would want.
Dragons has crashed my game a ton of times. I suggest using TRG, no problems for me. Just download a flat mega park, and your set.
"4 Seats are better than 2"
If you want a good LL trainer that will let you do whatever you want, then I would say go with TRG 6.02. It has the "Clean Config" option built in, and I HIGHLY recommend using it each time you play so you won't get the "Invalid Data..." error message. Plus, it doesn't matter if you need a flat land or not. Just take the time to make one yourself. It doesn't take that long to do.

I HAVE to warn you guys, though, that regardless of which Loopy trainer you use, eventually you are going to run in to the problem of not being able to save your game anymore. Trust me - it has happened to me three times now. I don't know what causes it, but at some point, you will get the message "Game save failed" when you try to save your game. I have given up on LL because of this. I'm tired of losing great parks because I can no longer add to them.

What happened to the Techno trainers? They were the best!

"Maybe I ain't so shy!"
Jephry's avatar
They stopped making the Techno

Best Coaster: Millennium Force
Worst Coaster: Project Stealth

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A Cedar Pointer!"

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