Best Holiday World Trip Ever! 6/30

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What's the best part about the short 30 minute drive to Holiday World? The shoe tree! Some may know what I'm talking about, but anyway.

As we pulled up to see a full parking lot, I expected long lines and crowds. However, I got very short lines and decent size crowds. I must give hands down to Holiday World for capacity. They seem to be doing great with the addition of the 3 new attractions.

Arrived at 10, walked around, rode HallowSwings, headed for Splashin' Safari!

HallowSwings- Well, not much to say, but a great addition to the park. It seems to belong in the park, however didnt do nothing for me, however I dont like many swings. 7/10

Zinga- One word, WOW! What a slide, Zinga is amazing. The drop into the tunned is the best feeling I have ever felt on a water slide, this is one top notch slide! 10/10 ( And o yea, we got very lucky by getting to be one of the first on this slide. As the day progressed, the wait was crowding 30 minutes. Not too bad, but the 100 lb. tube doesnt help, lol. However, we did wait it out before leaving.)

Zoombabwe- Didnt get to ride last season, so rode this year. Pretty awesome slide. Call me a baby, but it was too hot inside the slide, other then that, great family ride! 7/10

Rode all the other slides, love the GO of Ottorongo, great set of slides.

Onto the park. Next stop, the Legend. Another one word coaster, WOW! I will always love this coaster, it exceeds the Raven by far in my opinion. Much speed, great airtime. #1 woodie in my book! 10/10 (Wait- Walk-on all day)

The Raven- Dont get me wrong, an awesome coaster. For some reason, not as fun as it used to be for me, but still great. That last drop is amazing! 9/10 (Wait- under 5 min.)

Liberty Launch- Three words, WOW, WOW, WOW! Doesn't look like much, but this is one awesome ride. At the top of the tower the 2nd launch, I must have came out of my seat atleast 4 inches. Amazing, rode 3 times before the day was over, would have been more if line was short! 10/10 (Wait- 20-25 min.)

Rode Raging Rapids, Frightful Falls, Lewis and Clark Trail, Paul Revere's Midnight Ride (Spider I always call), Banshee(cough cough, I wish!), and the Legend and Raven one more time. Watched the Dive Show, which is amazing this year.

Overall, call me crazy, but I would much rather come to Holiday World anyday then Cedar Point or any Six Flags park. Maybe thats because this is my homepark, but it is still awesome!

The future is in the hands of Cedar Point!

Looks to me the future is in the hands of Holiday World!

Chuck, couldn't resist that little jab.

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

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