Belated TR: First Time Indiana Beach 8/2

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After our great day at SFGAm, my friend and I decided to take a little side trip to IB on our way home from Chicago.

Got our wristbands and headed to the Hoosier Hurricane. HH is a fun little ride with no wait and barely any airtime. Out in the front seat there is one awesome pop of air on the return trip where the train changes direction while the rider is in midair (huge fan!! - brings me back to the Timbers faux midcourse drop). We hit this ride again later in the day in the backseat where the airtime still avoided us.

I don't know how many of you Buzzers out there have read Edith Wharton's novel Ethan Frome but in the end of the book the two main characters attempt to commit suicide by riding a sled into a tree. My friend and I have now renamed the Tig'rr Ethan Frome. I have never been on one of these Schwarzkoph models so I was totally blown away. No restraints, airtime (just enough to freak you out on the first drop), and an intensely tightly packed layout!! We absolutely loved this unique ride.

So we next tried out the Cornball Express Coaster (as it is so aptly named). Our first ride of the day was in the back seat where the first drop really surprised both of us. The rest of the layout was great, filled with a lot of quality airtime and speed to spare. My friend couldn't understand how such a fantastic ride could be crammed in such a small space and be located in the middle of nowhere! I wasn't as much of a fan of the front seat except for the third hill, where there seems to be an endless amount of floater air! That hill is so intense there is even some floater in the back seat! CCI still rocks my world! Cornball still goes behind the Timbers and GL's Big Dipper but in front of PKI's and SFGAm's woodies.

We then worked our way to the other side of the park and hit my favorite flat ride, the Falling Star. We then decided to brave LoCoSuMo. There was a tiny wait but it was no big deal. This is a really wierd ride that is a total blast. I honest'y don't know how they can turn that wood so tightly but it works. It wasn't that painful of a ride either! We hit it up one more time riding forwards instead of backwards which I like more because you got to see some of the theming, etc.

We then rode the Galaxi which didn't do too much for me. We walked over to the Double Shot which had finally opened mid-afternoon. I have to say this might be my favorite tower ride ever. Thid thing is just angry and like to chuck its riders all over the place. The first shot: intense, the second shot: ridiculous. The theme of the day seemed to be that bigger is not necessarily better...

We also hit up the uber slow chair lift for some nice views (especially of the PVC pipe mini-golf course) and Chaos: another of my favorite flats.

Indiana Beach has got some very unique rides although I still get the "I'm in a pre-Cedar Fair Michigan's Adventure type-park" feeling at IB. All in all it was a fun side trip for me to experience a couple new great coasters. The 5 hour drive home to Detroit was the only bad part of the day :)

Great takes on the coasters. I could not agree more about Tig'rr! It is the best kept secret at the park!

Craig the Coaster Freak said:
HH is a fun little ride with no wait and barely any airtime. Out in the front seat there is one awesome pop of air on the return trip where the train changes direction while the rider is in midair (huge fan!! - brings me back to the Timbers faux midcourse drop).

AKA the hickey

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