Beech Bend Goes "Free Drinks" in 2010

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Not sure if this is brand new or not, but I hadn't heard. It appears that Beech Bend is going the 'drinks included' route for the 2010 season.

For the record, as far as I can tell, the adult admission seems to have gone up $5 or $6 this year.

Interesting that we're seeing more smaller parks try this approach...although in this case I'm sure the proximity to HW didn't hurt. :)

DantheCoasterman's avatar

Awesome news! first.

Of course, the problem here is that Beech Bend has been serving large cups of Coke products in the past few seasons for $ you would theoretically have to consume at least three large drinks to get your money back.

But, oh well. Hurray for convenience! :)

*EDIT: Just noticed something else...there is no longer a separate gate fee for those who are riding, and those who are not. There used to be an option for non-riders to only pay general admission for less than $10, which included use of the water park. That option is now gone, and all guests over 54" must pay the $30 admission price. Interesting...

Last edited by DantheCoasterman,


kpjb's avatar

Well, the admission going up $5 or 6 is more than a reflection of free drinks. They're adding a wave pool, lazy river, one of those interactive water structures with 7 slides and a play area, a family flat ride, a kiddie flat ride, and an amphitheater, too.

If you assume that these additions normally constitute about 3 years' investments in most small parks, and that the gate would normally go up about a buck a year, now the drinks are costing about $2-3, which seems fair.


crazy horse's avatar

kpjb said:
now the drinks are costing about $2-3, which seems fair.

Unless your at a cedar fair park where the drinks are $4-5 each....But that's another thread. :)

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

DejaVuNitro's avatar

As I have stated before the drinks are 'free' to me as I feel that what the park offers ride/waterpark/experience wise is alone well worth the gate price. Same goes for Holiday World. So the 'free' drinks may be 'hidden' in the gate price for some... it is not in my gate price. :)

That is my theory anyway. If one would pay the current gate price even without free drinks then the free drinks are in fact free to that guest. Might rub contrary to any business teachings but I'm thinking outside the 'gate'.

I'm sheriff of this here rollercoaster.

LostKause's avatar

That's a great way to look at it, DejaVuNitro. If someone would pay that price to get in anyways, then the drinks really could be considered free.

I have to get my butt to Beech Bend this year. :)

ApolloAndy's avatar

I'm not sure that really works. Given that last year you could ride everything for $5 less (or everything minus a wavepool for $3 less), you are getting the same experience plus drinks for the same price plus $5. So it's not free.

It might still be good value and still be worth the cost even if you don't drink the drinks, but it's not free.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

janfrederick's avatar

I used to think the free drinks thing was cool. But now that I don't really drink anything but water or beer, I'm not all up on subsidizing other guests' sodas.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
rollergator's avatar

ApolloAndy said:
It might still be good value and still be worth the cost even if you don't drink the drinks, but it's not free.

Bravo, on! Reminds me somewhat of the discussions about DVC. It may be a good value to you, but that doesn't mean you're not paying for it (in that instance, the discussion was about up-front costs vs. routine ongoing fees, but the same logic applies). If you find product 'X' is worth it to you, fine, buy it - but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a great product or a great price for everyone else.

edited to add: Beech Bend was/is fantastic. I was in NO way surprised to see them ranking so highly in terms of friendliess, etc. The staff there is awesome...and KRumbler totally rocks!

Last edited by rollergator,

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

DejaVuNitro's avatar

I am paying for it in the sense that it is a perk of buying a ticket, but everything I do or consume in the park is a perk of buying the ticket so I think of that as a wash.

No one says that using the restroom in parks is a hidden fee because they do not charge for toilet usage. The park could charge ala RCT, but they do not- it is generally thought of as a courtesy to provide restrooms. If a park adds a restroom in the offseason will they really raise the gate?

I'm saying that perhaps a park could offer free drinks and honestly not include it in the gate but hope that it helps long run attendance enough that no raise in price is necessary. Same with other improvements in parks such as new restroom facilities.

I'm sheriff of this here rollercoaster.

kpjb's avatar

LostKause said:
That's a great way to look at it, DejaVuNitro. If someone would pay that price to get in anyways, then the drinks really could be considered free.

So if I think that $70 is a fair price for a no-wait Six Flags park, does that mean that the Q-Bot is free? ;)


LostKause's avatar

No, because not everyone get's the Q-Bot free with their paid admission. That's a good one though.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Turns out they've totally decided to jump on the bandwagon and throwdown with HW. The Beech Bend prices page is now touting:

FREE Soft Drinks, FREE Parking, FREE Sunscreen and FREE Mats & Tubes Every Day!

Makes sense. I suppose you might as well go all in. The more 'free' you can add to the page the more you can convince people they're getting something for nothing.

Who will be the first to offer Free Sunshine (subject to availability)? ;)

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,

Wow! They already have the best coaster in the Mid West, now they're offering free soda in 2010. Can't wait to go back for my 5th year straight.

Jeff's avatar

Free drinks rule. We get those at work too. :)

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

DantheCoasterman's avatar

...but they already had all that other stuff for free. Just saying. ;)


Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

No, those are included in lieu of a higher salary. ;)

While we're on that though, it's not fair that coffee drinkers get free coffee at work while soda drinkers are lucky to get water.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

janfrederick said:
I used to think the free drinks thing was cool. But now that I don't really drink anything but water or beer, I'm not all up on subsidizing other guests' sodas.

Considering the actual cost to the park of 3-4 sodas is measured in cents, I don't know how much of a subsidy that is. You can also argue that people who don't ride coasters subsidize them for those who do. Same with kiddie rides, waterparks, etc.

Even though it's not as accurate, "free" just sounds better than saying "included with the price of admission" or "available for no extra charge."

This concept has always been about *FEEL* Im sorry, I go to a corporate. Give someone ten bucks to get us a couple cokes and get fiddy cents change back. EPIC FAIL! SUBJECT TO NON RETURN

Vater's avatar

Come again?

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