Beech Bend and PowerPark...Twilight Zone, anyone?

The situations at PowerPark and Beech Bend are very similar, maybe even eerily similar. Consider the following:

Beech Bend: Transportation company tycoon (D. Jones Enterprises / Clay's Trucking) turns amusement park operator out of his desire to create a fun family destination

PowerPark: Transportation tycoon (Lillbacka Global Transport) turns amusement park operator out of his desire to create a fun family destination.

Beech Bend: Small but well-run park that previously focused on camping and racing, turning to thrill rides over the past few years (Mouse, Pinfari Looper, Power Surge...) to offer a diverse mix of entertainment

PowerPark: Small but well-run park that previously focused on camping and racing, turning to thrill rides over the past few years (Mid-Sized Steelie, Brand new boomerang, awesome frisbee-type ride)

Beech Bend: Fairly secluded but absolutely beautiful setting in the country surrounded by water, trees and HUGE fields for future expansion, all green and complete with cows.

PowerPark: Fairly secluded but absolutely beautiful setting in the country surrounded by water, trees and HUGE fields for future expansion, all green and complete with cows.

Beech Bend: The next real small-guy turns big-boy story in the U.S. amusement industry (Think HW), focused on providing the right mix of entertainment for families looking for an alternative to the "Big Parks" surrounding

PowerPark: The next real small-guy turns big-boy story in the Nordic / Euro amusement industry (Think Oakwood), focused on providing the right mix of entertainment for families looking for...well...just looking for something to do in central Finland.

Beech Bend: Building radical new GCII woodie that I predict will blow everyone away, kind of like a mix between OW and Thunderhead.

PowerPark: Building radical new GCII woodie that I predict will blow everyone away, kind of like a mix between OW and Thunderhead.

The similarites go on and on, right down to the size of the parks, attendance, employment, it's kind of bizarre actually. Even more interesting is that Dallas Jones and Jorma Lillbacka (BB and PP owners, respectively) both personally handle all of the contracts / payments / negotiations and they both know exactly what it is they need to be successful (Thye've already proven that with their respective entreprenurial ventures over the years).

I just thought these similariteis were interesting. Coincidence? Or are Harma, Finland and Bowling Green, KY portals to another dimension? (from an insider's POV).


Mamoosh's avatar
Coincidence or not, that's pretty cool! Coincidentally I spoke to Dallas today...very nice guy ;) I assume planning continues, SmooshY?
BB is probably one of the most hidden "diamonds in the rough" of the entire amusement industry. It's really been fun over the last few years watching this park make the turn around and become a park on the up and up. Can't wait to hop on the new MilFs!

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!

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