BeastBuzz Questions

This year's BeastBuzz will be my first roller coaster event, and I have question that was not addressed in the original thread.

Will all the special events like ERT on Flight of Fear, Drop Zone, and Delirium, trivia contest, guest speakers, savenger hunt, and backstage tours of The Beast, Son of Beast and Tomb Raider be held before or after the beverage and food service?

The way it has been in the past is this: Morning walk back to the Beast. Full day at the park with lunch in the afternoon. Following lunch last year we did the walking tour of the park. Then at night once the park closed we did the ERT session.

My bet is that it will be Beast Walk back, day at park, lunch with guest speakers, scavenger hunt and backstage tours and then at night the ERT.

You will have a BLAST! BeastBuzz is a Must do!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry
Jeff's avatar
Pretty much what Sarah said. I don't anticipate that it will be much different from that.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Beast Walk back. How does that work? Everyone meets at the ACE Coaster sign by Beast and everyone gets a ride on Beast first?

This will be my first time to BeastBuzz too

IIRC, If you go to PKI and show your Buzz Club card, you get a morning walk-back to either the Beast or Tomb Raider(?) anyhow for the first ride of the day, so I'd imagine that since we're all gonna be there for a Buzz Club event, its just that on a larger scale.

Am I correct, Jeff?

Jeff's avatar
You'll see people around for the walk-back I'm sure.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I would love to make the walkback. Maybe I can talk Beth into another night in the hotel. What time does the walk-back usually occur?
ARG! why does my cousin's graduation party have to be that day!

Neuski said:
I would love to make the walkback. Maybe I can talk Beth into another night in the hotel. What time does the walk-back usually occur?

A good safe time to be there is 9:30.

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