Beast trivia

OK, you PKI trivia fans might know the answer to this question:

What was the original name for "The Beast"? Give up? "The Ultimate."

Now, before you jump down my throats, it never operated with that name. However, I remember seeing construction photos in the newspaper that referred to it with that title.

Hey!  I was still thinking!
You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."
Nope! It was going to be called "Champion" .  I somehow have gotten my hands on Kings' Island literature with that on it.

Kevin Reid

We are paid by those who have learned from our mistakes.

Kevin is excatly right, it was not going to be called "The Ultimate."  It was to be called "The Champion." 

Nice to see you MR. Reid :-)


A.K.A. John K.

The Champion?  Man, I'm glad they chose the Beast for the name.  If the name was the Campion, my scream name would be THE CHAMPIONmaster instead of what it is now.

Bill, "I don't want to be called THE CHAMPIONmaster." Yost :)

Bill Yost

what about Beastie?  I don't think  Championie  sounds cool.

Tinkerbell said:
what about Beastie?  I don't think  Championie  sounds cool.

LOL! Your probably right, LOL!

Derek McBride
PKI Dude

rollergator's avatar
...still think if it would've been Champion the we'd have Son of Champion and....Champagne!  ...but you can't ask a PKI question when Shaggy or Sean are in the room and really expect to stump either of them...Kevin Reid, love your sig, but it's our job to see that we are paid WELL by those who have learned from our mistakes...LOL.
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Tinkerbell said:
what about Beastie?  I don't think  Championie  sounds cool.

Well it probably wouldn't have changed from it's original Scooby Doo name if that were the case.
Kids really took a liking to The Beast name and like all kids were upset that they were too small to ride.   KI came up with the idea of renaming Scooby to Beastie to satisfy thier desires and to this day I see even infants riding :)
Chuck, who still loves this ride but still can't understand the trim AFTER the most violent moments of the ride. :(   Zachs Zoomer I will return :)    How about  Shivering Toothpicks for a name change? 

Charles Nungester
Park Jockey :)

Scott would have to change his name to "Shivering Tooth"! LOL, the mental image is just too good. Can't you just imagine Mr. Short with a "Shivering Tooth"?

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