Beast ridden over 4,400 times? That's cool, but.....

This thread reminds me of a scene in Napoleon Dynamite where he gets up from the couch and tells his uncle and brother, "You guys are DORKS! Gawsh!"

Look who's talking!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Vater's avatar
Huh...some guy I don't know rode Beast over 4400 times and the park made a sign for him. Pretty cool.

And I don't even have to unbunch my panties.

Playa...I was thinking the same thing.

But, it does bear to mind that if someone reported that they had seen a particular movie 4,400 times or visitied the same freeway reststop 4,400 times someone might be calling for a psych counsel.

Mamoosh's avatar
What's wrong with visiting the same freeway rest stop 4,400 times? Wait...did I ask that out loud? ;)


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ewwwww. ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Me or the rest stop, Gonch? ;)
Lord Gonchar's avatar
The combo of the two. ;)

I saw that video they showed in line many times. One thing I noticed is that there is old footage of the guy. He would be standing in front of a sign that says, "Carl Eikelman (sp?) has ridden Beast (Insert # here) times!" The number was relatively low, like in the 1,000 range. That shows that his count was taken up by the park at one point. This way, they have followed him since then, knowing when he visits the park, and how many times he's ridden Beast that day. They've known about Carl a long time, they know he's ridden it a bunch. He didn't walk in out of no where and say, "I rode it 4,400 times."

Koster Frek
Mamoosh's avatar
Yer such a bastrad, Gonch ;)
Did you Ever run into George Michael there, Matthew?;)
Lord Gonchar's avatar

Mamoosh said:
Yer such a bastrad, Gonch

Aww. Hey, you know if I ever 'switch teams', you'll be the first person I call. ;)

(still surprised that the obvious 4400 rides jokes hasn't be played yet)

Perhaps my relative newness to the boards is showing here, but...

obvious 4400 rides jokes?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
4400 is alot of rides but The Beast is 25 years old meaning he only had to ride it 176 times per year as RamblinReck stated. If the park season is lets just say May thru August thats 16 weeks. If he visits once a week thats 11 rides per visit.

I'm still happy with my 2 Dollywood visits this year getting roughly 300 rides on Thunderhead! :) Hopefully I'll be able to do the same at Beech Bend and Power Park in 06! :)

150 rides per day??? What, did you not leave Thunderhead Gap? That's like 10 strait hours non-stop for both days!
Mamoosh's avatar
Ramblin...CoasterPunk works for GCI ;)
Darn him for getting all those free rides. You suck punk!;)

Mamoosh said:
Ramblin...CoasterPunk works for GCI ;)

That would explain it.

Hmm.. I think it's about time for me to start working for B&M ;)

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Just to clarify for some folks who are reading, that sign that fueled this topic is one of quite a few with various stats and info about the history of The Beast. The park wanted to do something special for the 25th anniversary of the coaster so they put up some signs, added some things to the ride, and made a video.

Out of all the times I have been to the park, I have never seen Carl but I see Don there all the time. I guess Carl likes to go on weekdays or something.


wahoo skipper said:

But, it does bear to mind that if someone reported that they had seen a particular movie 4,400 times or visitied the same freeway reststop 4,400 times someone might be calling for a psych counsel.

If TNT keeps its annual tradition of running 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" I just may approach that number ;)
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