Batman: The Escape and Iron Wolf

Why is everyone on this site so quick to condemn everything anyone says? It get rather annoying and frustrating when people try to help others out with information. I hate that I feel like I have to come back here and correct what I say only because someone else feels it's there right to put others in their place. We all have our opinions and it's rude for one person to think their's is more vaild than another. It's been a long time since I've subjected myself to Iron Wolf and I thought I remembered a set of brakes after the turn-around through the loop. I was wrong.
Well, if you look at the track and stand-up trains on Shock Wave in England they are very much like B&M's, because when Batman was built Intamin and B&M were acting as one firm, then shortly after they split, the track for B&M track is fabricated by Giovanola, not B&M, Intamin used B&M and their combined ideas for future standups and others because of that not only B&M created the designs, they both did, so that really Intamin has legal rights to it also.

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Just out of Curiousity, was that flat piece of track before the corckscrew ever intended to be used as a trim section. Take a gander...

R.I.P Fear Factory 1990-2002. You will be missed.

Uh... I hope no one is offended by someone being corrected again, but here goes...

I believe that the straight section of track in the extreme foreground of that picture is the brake run; it only looks like it leads to the corkscrew. Then again, I could be wrong...

RCT hypercoaster crazy!

Glidein: I think Ozzy is talking about the flat track after the turn passing through the loop. Now, not being in Time-Warner management, I cannot definitively comment on what the intended use of that section was. But my best guess is no. The reason I say that is because there is no catwalk and no stairs. All block brake areas that I can think of on coasters have some way to walk people down from that section (or conversely, walk employees UP).
--who loves Iron Wolf best in the back

Yep, I was talking about the flat after the turn.

R.I.P Fear Factory 1990-2002. You will be missed.

I think it might have originaly intended to be use as a block brake, but then again, all of B&M's coasters come with the braking units already installed.

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

It was a brake in the rides early days when this ride was the best. it was so they could run 3 trains at the same time. same thing with demon. it used to have a brake run too so you could have 3 trains running. when these rides weren't as popular, they took the brakes out.
Drop: wow are you all wrong!
1) Iron Wolf NEVER ran three trains. I have a Chicago Sun-Times article from it's opening season that *says* it only has two trains.

2) The Demon *still* has a brake run to allow for three train operation. If memory serves correctly, it is between the final corkscrew and the little "helix-like thingy". Moreover, Demon STILL runs 3 trains (at least it did my last visit in 2000).

3) Even *if* they only wanted to run two trains, what sense would it make to physically remove the brake run? Wouldn't it make more sense to just turn it down/off? Look @ Lock Ness Monster @ BGW. It hardly ever runs 3 trains anymore, yet the original blocking remains. It just does not make sense.
--who hates when ppl try and pass off idle speculation as fact...

Yes, demon does have a brake run, but to my recollection, they didn't use three train operation this year. (Perhaps blocking off a path had to do with this...)

R.I.P Fear Factory 1990-2002. You will be missed.

Once again it's NOT Intamin, it was Giovanola. Intamin = marketer. Giovanola = manufacturer. It's even in the Giovanola brochure if you don't want to believe me.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

BrandonR said:
Once again it's NOT Intamin, it was Giovanola. Intamin = marketer. Giovanola = manufacturer. It's even in the Giovanola brochure if you don't want to believe me.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

If you are referring to Batman:TE it is indeed Giovanola that manufactured this ride. Their name and logo are all over the manual, so you are indeed 100% correct. And on a side note, the wheel assemblies on the Schwarzkopf shuttle loop 'Greezed Lightnin' at SFAW are also made by Giovanola.

Twice during 2001, I witnessed the Demon running all three trains. I'm sure there were other days as well.


Sorry, that could be, but out of the 10+ days I went, I haven't seen that phenomenon. (not doubting you though)

R.I.P Fear Factory 1990-2002. You will be missed.

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