B & M track spotting

Seen pictures on screamscape showing b&m track at BG Africa. Does anyone know what they're building down there?

Vater's avatar

I call 'April Fools.'

99er's avatar

How ironic, on the same day I found this track sitting outside Stricker's Grove.

Last edited by 99er,


Tekwardo's avatar

Lance could have at least stripped the exif data from the photo, that shows that it wasn't just taken with a cell phone camera but was taken with a Canon Powershot in Sept. of 2008.

Last edited by Tekwardo,

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

He got me with it... That's what happens when reading internet news on my droid at 545am when I am just barely awake. :)

Where's your april fools prank Jeff?

Last edited by Coasterfantom2,
Jeff's avatar

I was riding Intimidator 305 and you weren't. FTW. :)

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Yeah I wish I was there. That ride looks insane. We'll be there next weekend... Hows it compare to SROS or Bizarro@SFNE? Anyone?

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