ATTN: Vancouver-bound enthusiasts!

Mamoosh's avatar
After Nasai posted that it would be smart to bring a birth certificate when crossing the border I decided to do some research to see what documentation would suffice to show US Citizenship. Last time I travelled to Vancouver my driver's license was enough, but that was pre-9/11.

The following is off the Vancouver Tourism website [note the last line]:

Entry Regulations

United States Citizens - Citizens or permanent residents of the United States can usually cross the border, without difficulty. However, visitors should carry identification such as a passport, birth or naturalization certificate, as proof of citizenship may be required. A driver's license is NOT accepted as proof of citizenship.

The simplest form of proof of citizenship is a copy of your birth certificate. If you don't have a copy just call the County Office in the county you were born in and you can get a copy pretty quickly.


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary entry: Karmageddon [n.] it's, like, when everyone is sending really bad vibes and then, like, the earth explodes...a serious bummer.

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh 8/5/2003 1:33:35 PM ***

nasai's avatar
Yay! I helped make life a pain in the ass for travellers. ;)
Death on two legs
Jeff's avatar
The irony is that the problem is terrorists getting into the US from Canada. I went up March '02 and had no problem with just a driver's license. They have a valid point though... as you don't need to be a US citizen to get a driver's license, at least not in Ohio.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

beast7369's avatar
I just went to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and had no problem getting back into the US with just a license. We had a harder time getting into Canada actually!

Zero G Thrills - Moved and Improved

Jeff's avatar
And thus, the reason why 'Moosh linked to a Canadian site on the topic.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

joe.'s avatar
That's funny, I can always get into Canada. Getting back is where they complain and ask for the ID and birth certificate.

Missing the Fallen:
King Cobra 1984-2001
The Bat 1981-1983

nasai's avatar
Well, just remember that we had Ahmed Rassam try to cross in near here. You know, the guy that was gonna blow up the Space Needle for the Millennium celebration? The border guards here tend to have itchy trigger fingers.

As Moosh said, bring a second form of ID, plain and simple.
Death on two legs
*** This post was edited by nasai 8/5/2003 2:58:16 PM ***

Mamoosh said:
If you don't have a copy just call the County Office in the county you were born in and you can get a copy pretty quickly.

But what if we weren't born in a county? ;)

I lied.

Then call the Parish office instead!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

(Posting from Keith's uncle's house in Salt Lake City...)

Thanks for letting me know that Nasai! We had no problem getting into Canada, but when we were returning to the states (to visit you, coincidentally) I was told I needed something other than a drivers passport (thank GOD Keith made me bring it, because I wasn't going to) was in the trunk, and apparantly you can't get out when you're at the booth there... so we were instructed to go to some office and wait for someone but no one came. We went inside and told some officers what was going on and they were all "Eh? Oh...uh...yeah, we'll check those...sure." Like they had no idea what was going on. So basically we didn't even have to go in there and no one would have said a word...really strange.

Anyhoot, time to hit the road again! We're off to Lagoon today for an hour or so (we were there the whole day yesterday but for $6 we can go today and ride their incredible Spider coaster and Samurai Top Scan) then driving to Denver tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Joe, who *loves* the natural beauty of the Northwest
Top Thrill Dragster -- The most intense, unbelievable, and spectacular fifteen seconds on any coaster, anywhere, ever.

nasai's avatar
Did you make it to see me in Seattle? Yes! ... and Joe? You didn't ask, dude! ;)

Glad your trip is rocking. Ride that silly Spider Coaster for me too!

Rob-the natural beauty
Death on two legs

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