Astroworld as it stands today

Lord Gonchar's avatar

matt. said:
In other words if I think the closing of a ride or park is sad don't berate me with business jargon like I'm too dumb to understand the difference.

Just pointing out that I never did anywhere in this thread. I think somehow just because I do tend to agree with Brett and he mentioned me by name (and that I keep replying), that I'm taking crap for his comments.

In fact, I said all comments are welcome...and they are. Feel free to express whatever you'd like concerning the closing and removal of Astroworld. If you guys are allowed to be sad, then Brett is certainly just as valid in pointing out his lack of emotional connection and entirely logical approach to the situation. Feel equally free to call him heartless.

But yeah, I'm totally staying out of this. :)

And on a semi-related note:

Fair Warning - it might be a good week to skip the CLP story in the podcast if you're the sympathetic type.

It's essentially semantics and it's boring.

So when someone questions your POV, it's offensive and boring (and no, you never said offensive, but you seem to be taking great offense to it), but discounting the finer details of the language used (and my input to trying to sort out the silliness) is fine.

Meet Mr. Kettle, he's black. :)

Weird that such a 'boring' topic warranted no less than 5 replies on the subject.

Did I mention I'm still staying out of it?

*** Edited 2/19/2007 6:57:51 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Now you're staying out of this? Just when it was beginning to get good? ;)

I always skip the podcasts, but now I'm thinking I might have to check this one out...

matt.'s avatar
"Just pointing out that I never did anywhere in this thread. I think somehow just because I do tend to agree with Brett and he mentioned me by name (and that I keep replying), that I'm taking crap for his comments."

I realize that none of this was started by you and you're smart enough to know the differences between all of this. When you jumped in it all took a different path but most of my points were still being directed to Impulsive's near-trolling and kraxelridah's egging him on.

"So when someone questions your POV, it's offensive and boring (and no, you never said offensive, but you seem to be taking great offense to it), but discounting the finer details of the language used (and my input to trying to sort out the silliness) is fine."

What's offensive was the original insinuation that some sort of emotional reaction to a park's closing is some sort of indicator that you don't understand what a business decision is or why it was made.

Early on in the thread you made the distinction yourself the relation between the words "disappointment" and "sadness." I am "disappointed" Park X has been closed, I am "sad" Park X has been closed is very subtle and many people here are using them interchangeably. Hanging on to something like that still just seems like playing semantic games to me, which I think is boring, personally.

Whether I'm disappointed or sad about whatever happens that is amusement park related just seems immaterial to me, the original points remain either way. *** Edited 2/19/2007 7:08:49 PM UTC by matt.***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Fair enough.

Admittedly, I'm a stickler when it comes to language. It's just one of my 'things' - what can I say?

To me, the difference is subtle but vital in this context. I could certainly be disappointed that a ride or park closed. I could never be sad.

matt.'s avatar

You know Gonch you do this all the time, go sticking your head into something you're vaguely interested in and we end up getting into these half-debates about thing we're not even sure what we're debating.

Only one solution:

Complete and immediate IP banning of Rollergator from all forums. *** Edited 2/19/2007 7:32:23 PM UTC by matt.***

rollergator's avatar
^ Hear hear! ;)
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I have a lot of time on my hands. I suck like that. :)

And yeah, we need to get Gator outta here. But it's no fun if he agrees to it. ;)

What was so sad for Houston is that they now don't have a major amusement park in the area, only Kemah's which at least is adding a new coaster soon. Its just that a population center this size would benefit greatly from having a major theme park nearby.

Where I live, there would be much stronger feelings if Kennywood were to close. Sure, CP is within reach along with a number of smaller parks but KW has certain things about it that would be sorely missed if the park were to go.

The good thing is that this is not going to happen. The park is doing well and its only problem is that out-of-towners have a difficult time getting to it. KW does get consistent local support. It does well even when an energy shortage or recession occurs. Many local people decide to go there more under such conditions instead of going somewhere else. On top of that, the park is NOT located in an area of prime real estate so there won't be any malls or condos sprouting up in place of the park anytime in the foreseeable future.

Arthur Bahl

Yeah, time to ban gator. How dare he be a voice of reason? We have no tolerance for that kind of thing around here ;)

Another good point by matt- Gonch, you kinda made yourself the target when it was Impulse-ive's obvious "I have nothing better to do than hear myself" rant that we took issue with. Although by now I'm sure you know we can debate and still not have actual issues with each other. Hell, it was only a few days ago that I was actually agreeing with you, Gonch!

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, I'm one of the few people that aren't afraid to jump in to defend the unpopular opinion. Consider it another character flaw.

And yes, it's all in good fun. I think sometimes the debates, disagreements and discussions might get misinterpreted as 'real' - it is real, but I'm not going to run up to any of you guys and start going off just because you're wrong about Six Flags. ;)

It isn't personal...ever.

I find great entertainment and fun in that whole back-and-forth excahnge of completely opposing ideas. Beats the hell out of the 'me too' threads.

matt.'s avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
Beats the hell out of the 'me too' threads.

I agree!

rollergator's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:Yeah, I'm one of the few people that aren't afraid to jump in to defend the unpopular opinion. Consider it another character flaw.And yes, it's all in good fun. I think sometimes the debates, disagreements and discussions might get misinterpreted as 'real' - it is real, but I'm not going to run up to any of you guys and start going off just because you're wrong about Six Flags. It isn't personal...ever.

I <3 Gonch....but he already knew that. LOL!

Defending an unpopular opinion isn't a character just shows character.

Good fun?'s *fabulous* fun! Sometimes it's even phabulous... :)

It might not be personal, but it DOES get kinda intimate at times... ;)

I *might* be wrong but I'm not afraid to be vocal about it... :)

Ummmmm, me 2?

crazy horse's avatar
God, I cant wait till the off season is over with;).

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

rollergator's avatar
crazy horse, I'll get in a few laps for ya on Friday....just not on ANYTHING as good as Texas Cyclone... ;)

Lord Gonchar said:

I find great entertainment and fun in that whole back-and-forth excahnge of completely opposing ideas. Beats the hell out of the 'me too' threads.

I DO agree with you on that!

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