As we get older, does patience wear thin?

My patience is running very thin while waiting in line. I will never wait more than an hour for a ride I've already been on unless I'm with friends...I rarely wait more than 30 minutes, actually. Only when I visit new parks do I have the patience to endure long lines. Heck, I'm upset when I go to Knott's and the line for Ghostrider is more than 10 minutes...
Being 30-something myself, I have noticed that I am more patient in lines, especially when with a group of friends.  I tend to enjoy the time we have to talk and the lines don't faze me. 

That said, I don't tend to line up all day.  I will pick one or two rides I "must ride" and wait and then I will skip things if the lines are too long.  I am starting to enjoy watching the rides as much as I used to enjoy riding the rides.

rollergator's avatar
not sure if my PATIENCE has worn thin (it ALWAYS has been)...but my hair is *starting* to thin, which distresses me WAY more, LOL.

Gotta agree tha I hate lines over an hour, but REALLY hate them when the wait is caused by poor staffing/operations...

Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

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