Arrow has a new website

It looks like Arrow has done away with their old web site. Their new site is much better. The site is a lot faster and has a ton of information about Arrow and their products. You can even download video clips, animations and product brochures.

Maybe this is a sign of better times ahead for Arrow.

Thanks for pointing that out. I really like the new site. Much better.

edit: This is what grabbed my attention:

*** This post was edited by bigkirby on 10/11/2002. ***

Cool. Arrow badly needed a new site. This one's much nicer, and has some good videos of the 4D!

In this country we have laws. Why do you think I took you to see all those Police Academy movies? - Homer J. Simpson

Was that bodiless suspended vehicle developed in conjunction with the Kings Island motor pool and maintenance department? :)

(I know, that was un-called-for...But I couldn't resist!)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Real nice job on new site, has the store always had that many products available.

Army Rangers lead the way

Check out what's listed in the links!

Visits to Knoebels in 2002: 10 and PPP!

Awesome Jeff! First RCT's site, now Arrow Dynamics! Maybe B&M soon to follow? I'm just wondering how Arrow knew about the site. Ahem, any lurkers?

87 different coasters for this year and counting... 149 total!

Great site but I didn't see any videos of the 4d's.


Yeah, but you gotta love the 4 different 4D coaster layouts and their names. "Octophobia," that one cracks me up!

I could'nt find any vid's

I think octophobia is clever considering it means the fear of the figure 8 which happens to be the layout for the ride.

Not all the products have videos. Click on the Marketing Info link that shows up when you are in one of the products sections.

They seem to have put a lot of time into this site.

*** This post was edited by Fg_mgh on 10/11/2002. ***

The 4D coaster designs really cought my attention. I thought the only 3 were X, Quantum, and Delirium? Theres obviously two more, but when were these announced?

Either way, it gives me hope that another 4D coaster will be built :)

Alos, check out the ArrowBATic car, the restraints look so cool!

--Dingo 65--

The thing is, though, X is so much bigger than any of the pre-designed models they have. The next tallest is 127' (X is around 200').

I bet the only big ones will be custom, and that we'll see that scenario more than any other (unless SF buys 5 or 6 and plops them at their parks.)

"Well, I'm sure I'd feel much worse if I weren't under such heavy sedation." - David St. Hubbins, Spinal Tap

You know, the new site represents a company that's got something to sell now. The former site felt more like a museum tour.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

RideMan said:
Was that bodiless suspended vehicle developed in conjunction with the Kings Island motor pool and maintenance department?

Yes. And I'd give anything to have seen it happen.

- John
Line jumping is cause for removal from soceity.

It's about time, LOL! That site was messed up, & for the longest of time. It was 'under construction' or 'renivation' for what, almost two years(?);).

I like the new website. It shows a good presentation of the Arrow product line. Hopefully we'll see some more 4th Dimension coasters soon, and maybe the first install of an Arrowbatic. One can only hope.

Maybe I'm being too picky and ungrateful, but those 4d designs didn't look all that exciting to me. Clones waiting to happen is more like it...

But that's just me.

What? Did Arrow design the floorless suspended & contracted Vekoma to bring it to life? Joke.

I gotta go with du8die, the layouts could be so much more. Whatever happened to traditional elements? The 4D could flip anytime through those, imagine Loops, Cobra Rolls, Zero-G Rolls etc. They could do a 'Rolling Loop' with a Half Flip at the top to prevent negative Gs.

Simmer down now, those are just sample layouts. No need to throw hissy fits.

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