Are you desensitized of coasters?

I ask this question as don't find them scary at all! I've yet to find a coaster that will make my knees tremble. Sure, they're an adrenalin rush, but would be even more thrilling if I had a fear of heights or something like that. Yeah, I read that some people enjoy them even more because of these fears. I do get nervous on shonky coasters, such as the portable ones.

In other words, I wish I was scared of 'em!

The Buzzer Formerly Known As CoasterG-d
Yeah, I don't get that "stomach in my throat" feeling that I used to on drops. Of course, that was when coasters scared the %&#@ out of me! hahahahaha
I too, don't get too thrilled by the coasters at my home parks anymore. I love to ride them, and they are a rush, but I'm accustomed to the thrill they give. I guess it's because I ride them so much. Now, there are some coasters out there I'm nervous about riding (Millenium Force, Deja Vu, X) but I can't wait to ride them because I want that first thrill again. Riding Medusa and Roar at SFMW is my favorite thing to do, but they aren't as thrilling as they used to be. Just a whole lot of fun. :) Peace. :)

Medusa at Marine World: the best coaster in the west!
I don't get scared while waiting in line for coasters like I used to. On some coasters (MF, X-Flight, etc), I get a little scared near the top of the lift, or maybe it's just excitement. I don't really think it is possible to be desensitized of coasters. Regardless of whether you find the coaster scary or unexciting, you're still gonna feel the g's.

Joe Cernelli
Head Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard *** This post was edited by cernelli on 5/19/2001. ***
Jephry's avatar
Winter can be good and bad. Winter gives you a while before you feel that rush of a coaster so the rush isn't cheap. I still get nervous before Power Tower

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
I used to get really scared before I rode a coaster. Now, I don't really get scared until I'm on the lift hill. While I'm waiting for the ride and while I'm on the ride, the only I feel emotion is pure elation.

"If we built a ride that everyone wanted to ride, it would be called an elevator, and that's not an amusement ride."
-Stan Checketts, S&S Power
I think that a lot of riders thrill comes from the terror of riding a roller coaster. They are nervous that they will get hurt, so they are terrified and usually don't even know what is going on when riding. Some other riders aren't so much as scared, and get their thrills form the forces, namely g's. That's me, but a launch on a coaster or a drop tower will always get ya!

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
The only time I get nervous on a coaster is maybe that first ride of the season when my body isnt accustomed to the g's. I always get nervous on the side of Power Tower that shoots you up though.
I truly thought I was completely de-sensitized and then I went to Cedar Point and rode M-Force and Magnum... those are the only two coasters I have ever thought about turning back on ( I didnt though!)
I usually feel the first ride of the day but no more after that. I especially feel the first ride of launched coasters and still get adrenaline before the launch.
Everyone once in a while I will get that knee knocking fear when in line. The last time this happened was before I stepped into the train of Millennium Force. I am predicting it will return when I ride Superman UE, X, Deja Vu, Maybe X-Flight, and if I get to go, Hypersonic XLC.
I don't get scared at all, waiting for any coasters. But last year when I went to CP, Magnum and MF's lift hills gave me a scare, since I'm terrified of heights. The only ride that even gives me a slight bit on anticipation is Mr. Freeze at SFStL, and that's right before the launch.


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I have never been scared really on rides, once I started riding them, because I know nothing can happen to me.

Excited yes. Whenever I am on my way to a brand new park I get excited but not nervous. Last April was my very first visit to BGW, and not once was I the least bit nervous or anything while in line for my maiden voyages on Alpie and Apollo. Excited, I was thrilled. I love the rush. But, I never get NERVOUS. Now, X-Flight may prove that theory wrong, as Mantis did on my first ride. Standing up on a coaster for the first time was just whacko. Laying down I HOPE will provide a bit of adrenaline.
Absoulutely not desensitized to coasters. I think I've ridden Roar! East easily 200 times and S:ROS South about 100 times and they both grab me every time! By the way Mongoose are you aware you can die on a coaster? Many people have either died or been seriously hurt on roller coasters (and yes I'm aware of the statistics). That's one reason why I'm not desensitized at all.
I am scared going up lifthills, real scared before luanches. I often find my self closing my eyes on most first drops, I which I could leave them open to enjoy the ride!

My Signature Sucks
I'll admit it, sometimes coasters make me a tad nervous. I got a little nervous watching FoF's train rocket out of the station, maybe even a little scared. I also got a little nervous climbing up Millennium Force's 310 foot lift-hill at 15 mph. I don't really mind getting a little nervous before riding a coaster, I think it adds to the overall experience.
I am not desensitized to any coaster... thanks god. I have never been nervous to ride any coaster with a curved drop it's the ones with the straight drops that get me. It's just the first drop that get's me the other drops on a coaster don't really scare me as much as the first plunge. MF is a coaster to break all your fears on but no matter how many times I rode it I like to had a heart attack on that first drop.
I have a fear of heights so that "slow climb" up the lift hill was always the worst part of any coaster for me. Once the train started down the first drop, no fear, just the thrill. Now, though, my fear of the lift hill is gone which is a direct result of riding and riding and riding. What does scare now are those Wild Mouse coasters. The 6 or 7 180's at the top...I hate 'em! It must be the way they give you time to think about what's coming, even though those cars are moving much faster than it appears from below. Seems weird, I know, but no other coaster "style" scares me more.

Mother, did it need to be so high?
I have definetly become desensitized to coasters and in particular the ones I have rode many times. But, I sitll get that really anxious feeling when I am about to ride a new coaster. My first ride on MF was terrifying. It felt like the first drop was going to continue to curl under till we were completely upside down. But a few seconds later I was screaming with complete joy . Even the G forces at the bottom of that first valley couldn't keep me from smiling.

Despite how many times I have been on coasters, those moments of pure joy still occur, sometimes even on the ones you have become desensitized to, and those are the moments I look forward to and the ones that keep me coming back again and again.

I guess I don't get it. Why do you have to be scared of a coaster to enjoy it? Why do your knees have to tremble to have fun? Isn't it the adrenaline rush you're looking for? I don't see why a ride of any kind needs to scare you for you to enjoy it. If that's your feeling maybe you should try something else like skydiving, mountain climbing or some other extreme sport and quit riding coasters.

Is it possible you're mixing up the accomplishment of conquering your fears with the excitement of the ride. My wife has a big fear of heights and for her to ride MF was a major accomplishment but I know she didn't enjoy it anymore than I did because of that. I get an incredible rush from MF on every ride.

I'm not afraid of any coaster and I don't believe I would enjoy them anymore if I was scared of them. I enjoy the thrills that coasters give me and that's why I ride them. It's the enjoyment of the airtime, the laterals, the drops, the atmosphere of the park and the ride, etc. Most of my favorite rides are not the tallest or fastest coasters but I enjoy them every time I ride them -- I always get a thrill from them. If I ever get to the point that riding coasters fails to thrill me, then I know I'm not desensitized -- I'm dead.

"I'm going off the rails on a crazy train." - Ozzie Osbourne

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