Are we all sad about the removal of windjammer

Scince the removal of windjamer at KBF most of us have been worrying about whats next at Knots. But when the new 2002 wonder arrives at Knots, will any of us miss the ride.

I myself say that i wont miss it to much but we all must not forget that it was a one of a kind coaster
I hated the ride but if any Togo goes the one i will miss is Viper.
Soggy's avatar
I won't miss it one bit. I only wish they had started the demolition a year sooner.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
I got to say that ive changed my mind its the worst ride ive been on. DOWN ON WINDJAMEr
nasai's avatar
I am always sad to see a coaster go......I didn't like Windjammer, but I didn't hate it as much as some of you. It was extremely rough, but I knew that going in. I am looking forward to a new and exciting coaster though.

;)If it is music you seek, music you shall find. ;)
This may be a shock but... I LIKED WINDJAMMER:)
Seriously, it was a fun ride. I don' remember it being jerky at all. The loop was cool, the helix at the end was fun and I wanted to go on it all day, but you know Windjamer, while in line for my 5'th time, it broke down for the day. That's just my opinion on the ride. Back to the subject, yes and no. No, because knott's needs a new coaster that doesn't stall in EXTREMELY low winds and yes because I enjoyed riding it as stated above:)
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I have never had the chance to get to ride windjammer but I think it is a sad day when any rollercoaster gets removed even if it is a rough togo.
chill factor
I hated the ride. It was rough and boring. The only thing that I liked about it was how it looked(all thouse cool colors and the cool trains). I probably won't miss it much once the new coaster comes though.

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Being that it was my first looping coaster and was the one ride that turned me onto roller coasters in the first place, I will and do miss it. It was a unique concept and it's too bad it did not work out as planned. I personally did not find it very rough or painful at all. The ride just lacked good coaster elements and was just a mechanical nightmare.
I am... Because I haven't ridden the stupid thing!
I only wish that someone would take down the Ninja at SFoG next... It sounds as if these two had/have a lot in common.

i hate this place....nothing works here....ive been here for seven years
I love coasters as much as anyone on this site. I never even rode the damn thing and I don't even miss it. Always looked like a very painful ride.
Hey! Did someone delete my post??
Even if it was WJSR, it is still sad to see any coaster get removed.
Me? Sad it's gone?

Hell no!!!

Justin, you don't want to ride Wind Jammer. The only thing you're missing is a boring ride with a bunch of headaches.

I would like to see Flashback @ SFMM go next. I almost broke my neck and so did all the other people.
im am sad to see any coaster go no matter how bad many people say it is. ive never ridden wind jammer . but a so called bad coaster is better than no coaster, trust me i live in arizona we only have one real coaster called desert storm.
I spit on it from Supreme Scream:) Someone told me too from CB
Ricochet: Bouncing to you in 2002, Only at King's Dominion!

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