Are people scared of Steel Phantom?

Last year I got to ride the Steel Phantom for the first time. When in line, half the people that got in line became scared of SP and left! I watched grown men walk up in line, see the drop, go DAYUM!!!, and walk off! Are people just plain scared of SP? If so, will its replacement scare too many people too?
I have not been to kennywood, but the first time I saw the magnum at PKI, I wasn't sure if I'd make it or wimp out. Well, I rode front row and loved it. After conquering it, I wasn't at all bothered by the size of MF. I think if people would give it a chance, they would like it. Of course, it might be a good idea not to ride a hyper as your first coaster.
The Magnum at PKI? Don't you mean CP? Some people are just afraid of rides. What is funny though, is that they awere probably afraid of the first hill, because you can't totally see the second, right?
I know a ton of people who are scared of the steel phantom. They will look at the first drop and ask themselves if they want to ride it. They finally decide yes, and when they get in line they see the second drop and they chicken out. This is probably one the reasons ridership is low.
Basically the problem here is that Kennywood attracts many people going there for the family experience. There's only a handful of people that really go there JUST for Steel Phantom, and most aren't prepared for that ride when they see it. They'll ride the Thunderbolt and the Jack Rabbit, but they just decline at the thought of riding the flagship steel at kennywood. Plus, I think there is a lot of bad hyping that people do at school or at the park when they talk about SP. Those who hate it talk about it a lot more than people who love it, because the people who love it are riding it!
yes, I meant CP, but it was 3 am, my brain wasn't all there.
LuvRaptor's avatar

I was one of "those" that went to Kennywood last summer JUST to ride SP. I had the same experience of empty seats-empty platform and honestly the ride itself is brutal. I have to agree with Millennium Forces words that most people are there for the family experience. I did not see anyone whimp out after seeing the second hill (I am sure you meant the second hill-not the 1st hill)I just saw a plain lack of people.
This is one of the main reasons I am sure that SP is history after this year.
Me? I ADORED SP and am sorry to hear Kennywood is razing it.
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight?
Jeff's avatar
I don't think people are scared of it at all. The problem is that the locals (and coaster enthusiasts) know how uncomfortable it is. The lack of people you saw on the ride and in line echoes the park's official reason for removing it: "Its popularity isn't what it used to be."

When will we see the Fox special, "When Arrow Loopers Go Bad?"

Webmaster/Admin -
Speaking as a local, I think Jeff's nailed it. I know a lot of my friends (and myself) are like "Phantom? Nah, my head still hurts, let's hit Jackrabbit again..."

I dont think the problem is people getting scared off because of the heights. I think it is more like what the GP tells people about the ride and that makes them reconsider if they are gonna ride or not. Then alot of people complain about the head banging sensation. Since I now have 106 rides on the Phantom this season and going back today I still believe it is a very smooth ride!
I was at Kennywood on Saturday. The line was back the ramp to the lifthill at times others it was in the station. I didn't recall anyone walking out of line but I heard people remarking about the second drop. I think a lot of the problem is that people had bad rides on it and don't want another bad ride. While I was there they had to clean a headrest of either blood or puke I wasn't sure. I rode it at least 4 or 5 times this past trip. There were only 80 days left when I was there. :(

Parks hit for 2000!
I too am sad to see the Phantom go. I had a friend of mine from Baltimore want to back out of riding it after he "saw" the 2nd drop disappear into the ravine. He wasn't too thrilled with the speed through the inversions after riding it and he wouldn't ride it again. But, I can't wait to see what is going to replace it!!!!!

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