Anyone notice they no longer staple at CP?

I have been thee twice and I have only been stapled once this year and that was from yeahwellipushbuttons ovr on GTTP. Other then that the ops have pulled up everytime instead of pushing down. Just wondering if the policy has changed.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Well, usually ride ops are told to push down, then pull up to make sure it is locked. They always have to pull up. Pushing down is usually their choice, I believe.

-Kyle Brylczyk
KoRn - Untouchables, June 11th, 2002

Yes I am aware of this but all other years ops at CP alwas push down. I always tried to leave a little room in years past and I have been going there for many years. (Fisrt year I was 6 or 7 and I am now 22 and haven't missed a year since.) Anyway preeviously the ops always pushed down, and this year I have been able to have a whole buch of room as the ops have not pushed down yet and I have been there twice.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Jeff's avatar

I never had a problem in the first place, save for one moron on MF opening year (who subsequently was booted from the ride for being a jackass to people).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I have to disagree. When we were there the opening day my friend Ben got stapled on Magnum. I do hope they have changed their policy.


There was one guy over on Magnum on opening day who was pushing...I think he simply didn't know his own strength, or something. But since then, it's been pretty much as usual at CP.

The odd one was on Millennium Force. I sat down, fastened the seat belt (the new checker handles are nice, but you still can't adjust the belt once it is fastened...) and pulled back on the lap bar until it just touched (longtime readers know what I am talking about here...). The attendant came by, tugged the checker handle on the seat belt, grabbed the handle on the lap bar, and looked like he was pushing with all of his might...but the bar didn't move at all.

(I don't think he was just being nice; I think it was just that he was pulling the handle from an odd angle. 'Cause he wasn't stapling anybody else, either.)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

MagnumForce, I think we were at different parks yesterday ;). On Magnum the guy tried to push down on the bar when it was already against my legs. That is just plain unnecessary.

On Millennium Force opening day, the one girl put her hands on the lap bar and leaned into it, again not even bothering to pull up afterwards. My side of the train was getting no airtime on that ride.

Pushing down is one thing, but not pulling up to ensure it's locked is a hazard. On Magnum last year late in the year, the one op pushed down but did not pull up to see if it was locked. Well, it wasn't, the lap bars were not even locked yet. The same thing happen during Millennium Mania, the girl who probably never worked Magnum before pulled up but before the bars were locked. The lap bar went up all the way and I just laughed. Once they were locked though she checked it again and did it right, by pulling up.

At the parks I have worked at, weve been told to push down then pull up (its in the manuals). Pushing down is JUST to make sure the restraint is in contact with the riders body. As long as there is contact, the riders are fine for most rides , especially those with seat belts.

Luckily at SFMM Ive never expreienced that.

CPLady's avatar

Neither my husband nor I got stapled at CP at all yesterday, although my hubby managed to staple himself once. What I find amazing are the ride ops on Power Tower who barely push on your restraint. I felt so "loose" that I pulled it down one more notch. But then again, PT drop scares me to death.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

By Any chance was the guy who was stapling on Maggie a skinny bleach blonde headed kid? Anyway I have found the way they do things A LOT diferent then in years past. They have pulled up everytime except for that one trip on Maggie, I have rode Maggie 6 times this year and that was the only Time I have been stapled in. I have been able to get Mega Air on my 5 rides on Millie this year as I have left abotu an inch everytime. Of course I am always wearing a coaster shirt and the op comments on the coaster everytime.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

There have been instances in the past where I have been stapled. The worst is always on Magnum. I don't know if it's a running gag to try and cut off circulation, bruise thighs, break bones, etc., but it's really unecessary. Those lap bars are so damn heavy the rider ain't getting room to fall out no matter what. Why go and SHOVE the bar so each and every bump in the track (and on Magnum, let's face it, there's a ton of bumps) is directly felts in the thigh?

Anyhoot, I had a problem with Kurt from Corkscrew back in 2000. I pulled the restraint all the way down (why would you need room, it's Corkscrew) and Kurt came by and just smashed the upper part of the restraint on my shoulders. After the ride I calmly explained to him what he did really hurt and if he could try to ease up a bit.

He got all defensive and said "Well this ride goes upside down three times, the restraint needs to be down."

"I understand it goes upsidedown Kurt, and the restraint needs to be down. But it doesn't need to be dug into my shoulders."

"If you don't like it, don't ride it."

"Okay, thanks Kurt, I'll be leaving a nice message at Park Op for ya!"

And BTW, if you hear the term "Ninety-nine" coming from an ops mouth, you may not like the results (if they go after you). :)

Fiesta Fest Weakest Link contestant wannabe.

Not it wasn't him. This person never got before so it was probably just a fluke. As long as it just rest on my legs I am a happy camper. Just when it digs into the skin its a little rough. I have only been stapled 2/49 times this year, and still is really no big deal for me. I did an experiment were I had wicked Twisted Greg pounce on my lap bar as hard as he could. I was still able to get my but off the seat for the 3rd hill bliss.

I'm convinced that they sent every stapling op at Cedar Point to Knotts...

I can't seem to get on any ride without being stapled these days.

For example, on Jaguar, a FAMILY coaster, the op forced me to pull my seatbelt tight not once, but twice, until I pretty much couldn't move. (and it was decently tight in the first place) That was a pretty lame move...

0-82 in 2.3 seconds! =Wow!

I think they must b getting overprotective after the whole perilous plunge thing.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

knotts ride operators have gotten OUT OF CONTROL. i mean they say check when they pull on your carosel seat belt! and on supreme scream they pull on your seatbelt then tell you to try yourself. those checks are EVERYWHERE!
I got *stapled* on Millie this year, it hurt so much. It was like this........we sat in the very back seat and the attendent came over, and used all his might to push my bar down! My bar was at my waist too! Well when he did that I was about to say something but he ran back up the station and it was too late! That was not a pleasent ride at all.........

Good Times!! Good Times!!

Even when Im stapled on Magnum, I still get the insane air on the third hill, it just hurts a little more. It could just be me though, I'm pretty skinny.

With great power, comes great responsibility-Spiderman

Seems like things are getting carried away. I miss the old days of Knott's....ah well remember its for our safety right?

"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"

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