Any updates on V2 at SFGam?

This ride was closed for the last two months of the season so there must have been a fairly significant problem.  Wondering if anyone knows if its been getting repaired or what the deal is.
I havent heard anything.  But I am sure they are working on fixing whatever is wrong with it.  Lets all hope it can be open for opening weekend.

"The doctor said I wouldn't have as many nose bleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there!" -Ralph

Im sure they will have it fixed by opening weekend.  They are probally working on it now.


I'd be surprised if it wasn't open by opening weekend.  And I heard the problem was with the LIM's, they were fried or something?
I bad cooling motor can totaly screw up a LIM. Those things get mighty hot...

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

I think the ride was closed for one reason. It was unreliable. I'm sure the park would have liked to waited longer to debut it, but they couldn't, because they were advertising it and Deja Vu, and they did get in trouble for the Deja Vu part (after it opened). I'd guess they knew they needed to get at least one open ASAP, and since V2 was further along and not a prototype, they opened it before the kinks were worked out.

Basically as soon as Deja Vu opened, V2 closed. This leads me to belive they just closed it so they could do troubleshooting after the park closed or on weekdays. I doubt anything was really seriously wrong with it. I bet if it isn't open on opening weekend, it would be because of staffing issues, not ride issues.


Or did they close V2 to save money and just used those employees on DeJa Vu ??? I think it was more a cost saving measure and if the ride wasnt working properly earlier in the season they wouldnt have used it.
Duck for cover guys!!! You know once SFGRAmboy reads this he is going tear us all one!!!!
""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""
I'll refrain from comment on those, they just make me laugh

Bob O said:
Or did they close V2 to save money and just used those employees on DeJa Vu ???

No they did not use the employees from V2 for Deja Vu,  Each section (4 in total, North, east, south, and west) each gave a couple of their "best" employees to work deja vu.  Most of the original crew that was hired in the beginning of the season, no longer worked there.
"The doctor said I wouldn't have as many nose bleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there!" -Ralph

*** This post was edited by ALF is cool on 12/15/2001. ***

The cooling fans are a must with these puppies..

Sitting in the seats on SUE, if you put your hands up, you can feel the heat givin off by the LIMS.

How come both V2's have problems, and SUE rarley has? 

SFWoA Online

Yea, near the end of the season on the hot days, they were closing the ride to "let it cool". 

SFGRAMBoy20 said:
I'll refrain from comment on those, they just make me laugh

Yeah, speculation is halarious. Isn't it? Really, do us a favor, don't speak unless you have something to contribute... Just a little bit of info for ya, because person X works at park X, doesn't mean person X knows everything about the inner workings of park X, unless his is GM X. Another thing, feel free to NOT IM me. If it makes you feel big and strong trying to make me look dumb (in front of no one but you and me,) well, then you need a shrink.

*** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 12/15/2001. ***

Doesn't sound like you contributted to much there, either TrBiggar.  :)  j/k.  But, back to the topic at hand, I kinda agree with what you said in the beginning, but there is not hard proof of it (much like many things).  But, when you said that if it isn't open during opening weekend it's more or less due to staffing and not ride issues, I have to disagree.  I think the management would rather see V2 open, than 1 or 2 flat rides in the park.  See what I mean? 

Anyways, keep our brains tickin'!  We'll piece it together. (And for those who already "know" don't reply saying so.  The world is made of teachers and students, and sometimes the teachers just need to shutup! lol).  I've heard all the rumors about it but I can't choose just one, it's just too hard!  I like them all!:)

"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"

stoogemanmoe's avatar
kids these days.. I tell ya..

Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

But the closing down of V2 did save sgam money by having less employee's working didnt it??? If both rides were operational that would mean more employee's getting paid.  
TriBiggar, I'd have to disagree with you on V2 being unreliable.  During my visits throughout the summer, yes, it would occasionly go down or overshoot the station.  But when I was there on Sept. 16, the ride was working great.  The full queue line was moving pretty quick.  The ride stats were up throughout the queue line.  The station's paint job was finally complete, and most important of all, the additional 2" concrete floor was installed reducing impalments hopping into the seat!

Michelle Hoffman, SFGAm's PR spokesperson, is scheduled to be at No Coaster Con on Jan. 19.  I'm sure the question on V2's status will be asked.


SFGAm home park for 25 years
Experience the Force in THX

Well, Bob, they used the V2 crew elsewhere, at like kiddies or other coasters, in order to have more people working on the crew to be safer.  Plus it gets breaks done faster.  which means cleaning can be done throughout the day.

"The doctor said I wouldn't have as many nose bleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there!" -Ralph

I believe it was done as a cost saving measure, nothing more or nothing less.
I guarantee it wasnt done as a cost saving measure. 

"The doctor said I wouldn't have as many nose bleeds if I could just keep my finger out of there!" -Ralph

Closed topic.

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