Any seabreeze locals? need information and/or photos.

Hey all,

As you may have remembered, I once had a website by the name of "SFDLnet" hosted by Jeff Putz right here on coasterbuzz a few years back, and have since abandoned the unofficial SFDL guide.

The past few weeks I have had an interest in rebuilding the site from the ground up, but going to take it a step further and create a site called "WNY Coasters!", which will be like SFDLnet used to be, but for 3 parks total: Six Flags Darien Lake, Martin's Fantasy Island, and Seabreeze (to start, anyways). All the latest news, rumors, construction shots, photographs, videos, park history, and a message board community are just some of the sections which will be a part of each park.

I have very extensive knowledge in the past and present, photos, as well as video clips for SFDL and MFI, however I very little knowledge and multimedia on Seabreeze Park (in Rochester, NY) having only visted the park once. I know nothing about it's history, I have no photographs of the park (i do have a friend that has some, but only of the main rides/coasters), I do not know any interesting facts about the park, and I do not have any video clips of any of the rides.

Are there any Rochester locals here that frequent the park and could help me out in collection some of the above for my website? Maybe even partner up? It will probably be another few months until the actual website opens (catch a preview here: but the earlier I can find some alternate sources, the better.

Of course full credit will be given for all photos and / or information you can provide me with, and any help would be appreciated.

Leave a message here with what you might be able to provide, and i'll send you a PM or e-mail so we can talk about it a bit more.

Thanks a bunch,

-- Alan Jacyszyn

Not a Rochester local, but do know that Seabreeze had 2 woodies in 1926 with the opening of the Wildcat (complementing the 1921 Jack Rabbit). The Wildcat burned to the ground in 1935 and never rebuilt.

The PTC Coaster & Park Films video has video showing the Wildcat right after it opened. Beautiful ride! You have to know the coaster to know that it's on the video though as it is not identified (as with many of the coasters on the video). It had very distinctive lines.

I have several photos of the Wildcat that I obtained from the PTC archives some 15 years ago.
I'll be happy to share them.

Rochester local, with some knowledge on the park, also a season pass holder at seabreeze. I can help you out if necessary.
I have a couple from about 8 years ago, of the kiddie roller coaster, I'll dig up pics and see what I can find! I have a couple behind the scenes pics from SFDL this year, including some cool shots I took while on break, and even pictures going back many years (before my time) when my grandparents went. I also have a few pics I took on the MFI ferris wheel while Wild Mouse was being constructed.

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day here at Six Flags Darien Lake
wow, fantastic! much better response than i expected. i'll send PM's / e-mails later this week once i'm a little less busy.

Thanks a bunch, keep 'em comin' :)

// alan jacyszyn

Ride of Steel's avatar
Seabreeze has a history section on their website.
Walk around the carousel building and you'll find quite a bit of history on the interior walls of the building. It's like a Seabreeze museum!
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I am not a local but I have some recent photos on my website if you are interested in using them. I will PM you the link. Hope that helps!


*** Edited 1/4/2006 2:43:07 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

The latest FUN WORLD magazine (came in my mail today) has a great article on Rob Norris, president of Seabreeze Park and chairman of IAAPA 2006. His picture is also on the magazines cover.

There are a few historical photos in the article
and he states in one section that his favorite coasters are Millennium Force and Boulder Dash...

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