Any recommendations for Disney resturants?

Tekwardo's avatar

Raglan Road us INCREDIBLE! I was upset we didn't fit it in in January. Wolfgang Puck's sitdown is just a licensed Puck restaurant but the sushi I had was great.

And Pecos Bills was the best quick service we had in MK.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Roll with it. Disney isn't about rides---especially not for someone who considers themselves a "coaster enthusiast". Honestly, the "thrill" rides, viewed strictly from that lens, mostly suck.

Well this trip is all about the kids, if they dont want to sit through some dopey show, then I'm not going to force them... if they want to, I'll at least be able to cool off LOL... that heat kills me.

Then I'll leave you with one last bit of advice: If *you* go into it thinking that it's just "some dopey show", your kids will pick up on that. If you go into this with an open mind that most of the things that happen there have some redeeming quality, then you might be surprised by how much fun you have...

Like I said, I resigned myself to the fact that I am along for the ride when this trip came up. I want to try and get to everything worth doing and skip the boring crap because I dont see my family getting back down there anytime soon, if ever, so I am going to let the kids do whatever they want to, within reason.

I think we got into the Biergarten and some other thing at Ft Wilderness....a lot of those good resturants were booked solid.

Last edited by billb7581,

Well, as the Cap'n in Cool Hand Luke says: " gonna get your mind right."

Raven-Phile's avatar

I'm sure glad my dad wasn't just "along for the ride" on some of my family vacations when I was a kid. I'd have picked up on that.

LOL... I got my kids the guide book and gave them carte blanche to do whatever they want.

I'm just not a fan of Disney or the way people look at you like you have 2 heads when you make it known that you really dont have any desire to go there.

Thats how I was. I thought I had made it past the Disney zone and that my kids were too old. But my wife really wanted to go so we went. I let my wife and kids plan everything. There were a couple of things that I wanted to do (which they had included in their plans anyway) so I just rolled with it. We had a good time. But I have no interest in going back (maybe with grand kids in 20 years or so). I know a lot of people who do look at you strangely when you tell them that you have no interest in going back.

Raven-Phile's avatar

billb7581 said:
I'm just not a fan of Disney or the way people look at you like you have 2 heads when you make it known that you really dont have any desire to go there.

I get the opposite. Whenever we go to Disney for a week, the usual response is - "you're adults, go somewhere that isn't for children."

I guess you never know until you try. Did you say where you're staying? Did I miss that? What resort are you staying in?

Thats how I was. I thought I had made it past the Disney zone and that my kids were too old. But my wife really wanted to go so we went.

Haha.. same exact scenario here.. "Disney Zone" friggin classic.

We're staying at Port Orleans Riverside BTW.

I've been there 3 times, but one was my senior trip and the other 2 were paid for once by my parents and once by hers when we were young and broke, so I couldnt exactly say no.

We had fun but not enough fun that I felt I had to go roaring back to WDW again, ever. I did OK on some Ford stock, and the wife has been whining to take the kids there for years so we're going.

Raven-Phile's avatar

Well, at least Riverside is a quiet resort, and you can take the boat to Downtown Disney.

No one has mentioned it, which surprises me, but if you want an excellent single-credit TS breakfast, Boma is outstanding. The juice they give you...words do not begin to describe how delicious it is! They also have delicious raisin-cinnamon french toast and made-to-order omelets. The African ethnic selections seemed like they might be good and interesting, but I wasn't adventurous enough to try them (or left with enough room after the french toast, waffles, omelets, bacon, etc.). We also got a table at a window, so it had a great view.

This was right before the Thanksgiving rush, and I got away with making a reservation not even a week before, and I think we could have even walked up and still gotten in at the time we did (about 8:30am). You definitely will want to make a reservation a little farther out during any kind of "peak" season for Boma breakfast, though. The lady who seated us told me that I should come back for lunch/dinner sometime, as the African dishes for that meal are top-notch, but I wasn't able to.

Original BlueStreak64

Raven-Phile's avatar

I love Boma. I've had brunch and a couple of dinners there. The last time we went, though, I wasn't as impressed. The food is still amazing, but after Citricos, everything paled in comparison.

Jeff's avatar

For years I felt Disney was some kind of evil entity, but after going in 2006 with my former girlfriend, I really let myself just get lost in it, and I'm always surprised at how easy that is... with tens of thousands of other people doing the same thing.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Well, at least Riverside is a quiet resort, and you can take the boat to Downtown Disney.

Riverside also has one of WDW's hidden gems in Yeehaa Bob.

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