Any pics of Marriots Great America(gurnee ill.)

Does anyone have pics of Marriots Great america in gurnee illinois before it was turned into six flags great america? I really want to see a picture of the edge before it went to SFWOA. *** This post was edited by sfgamfreak on 6/20/2001. ***
Though I don't remember any pics of the Edge, you may be able to see it in one of the following links. I apologize if it's not there....I have early shots of the park from the tower. I do have brochures at home with it in. It was brown and orange with silver cars.

Scale model coasters and rides.....
beast7369's avatar
Here are few of the Older pics I have from SFGAm. I dont think that any of them are from when it was Marriots though but I do have some shots of preconstruction of Batman the Ride.

(constuction01 folder has pics of 2001 construction).

Welcome to Deja Vu...home of the world wide wait.
Its cool looking at Greased Lightning at Paramounts ? GA, or is it? cause look at the Demon in the back, its the exact same as ours in SFGAm,, the exact. ( for people that dont know)
Those pics of the original Demon theming and the Tidal Wave make me sad. :(
Wow I thought those loops were always on the Demon!
©Bruce's P:)sting Co.
I finally got to see the Turn of the Century! I think it looks better than Demon.

Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey!

TrBiggar said:
"I finally got to see the Turn of the Century! I think it looks better than Demon.

Everybodys got something to hide except for me and my monkey!"

You are probably thinking that because you never saw Turn Of The Century before. All it was is something like Corkscrew at CP. It wasnt anything to write home about. Demon is a big improvement.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""

Yes Joe.. I am sad about the tidal wave too!!! THat ride was the bomb!!!
I love the American Eagle at SFGRAM!!!!
I have a picture of the Edge. Actually, it was not sold to an amusement park in Rhode Island after it crashed at Great America, but the ride was unchanged, so it still looks the same in this pic.

The Pens will win the Stanley Cup in 2002! *** This post was edited by beltzies64 on 6/22/2001. ***
staticman00's avatar
I like in the Turn of the Century/Demon pic, seeing the old Wipeout style ride that was replaced by the Orbit later on. The park looked so different back then.

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-George Carlin

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