Any Inverted-less SF Parks?

I have not thought too hard about this, but as far as I am concerned...Is it ture all SF parks have inverted coasters?!
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I don't believe Six Flags Fiesta Texas has an invert.
- Peabody
Nope...Six Flags Fiesta Texas doesn't have an inverted.
Crap, I thought I was on a roll!

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
I do not know for sure about their flagged parks, but their property near Seattle does not have an inverted. Heck, they do not even claim it on the Six Flags web site, but Enchanted Village/ Wild Waves is theirs.
staticman00's avatar
No, Fiesta Texas doesn't have a B&M or a Vekoma inverted, surprisingly. But, they got a kick-ass floorless...

"Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"
What about Elitch Gardens? That doesn't have one, does it?
Yea, it does SFGA, it is MindEraser...Vekoma SLC.

Elitch Gardens has a SLC.

I don't need drugs to get high, I need coasters!"
I really hope they send some of their hang-n-bangs over to their non-Six Flags parks or sell them for now. The BTR are excellent but I fell they're repetitive after a while(of course). At least call them a different name. Maybe I'll feel like I'm on a different ride. They need a couple big inverts in the great style of their hypers(like Alpie, Montu, Raptor, DD, Talon). I'm always surprised how few non-BTR full circuit inverts there are and I wish there were more. All four(except T) of the above inverts are in my top 20 faves. Just keep 'em coming.

PKI-Wooden, Helix, and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
The First and Only Gigabuzzer bigger than Millie, rising Faster than Maggie, and pulls more BS than MS ever will!!!
I don't think Astroworld has an inverted coaster, either.
2001- the year of flight!
Astroworld has a hang-n-bang, Serial Thriller.

- Peabody
All the Six Flags Parks have either a B&M "Batman: The Ride" or a Vekoma "Serial Thriller"/"Mind Eraser"/etc, except for Fiesta Texas.

Kinda lame, two cloned rides in all those parks. Maybe SFFT will break the mold and get a different layout of inverted...someday.

Well SFWoA has two inverteds but not a B&M inverted. The have S:UE and Serial Thriller. I dont really know what kind of inverted you mean, a B&M, SLC or Intamin Impulse.
The new SLC from Vekoma 1999 or later, are not head banging. Furthermore Six Flags must built more custom built SLC or they must ordered the SLC-E. This SLC has a helix to the left before the brake run.
If new Vekomas don't have too much head banging, just give them a few years! :) Some of them are already on their way!

- Peabody

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