Any "First Ride" Auctions coming for - Storm Runner/Thunderhead?

Does anyone know if:
  • Hershey Park or a Charity Organization is going to Auction off Front Seat/First Rides on Storm Runner?
    or if
  • Dollywood or a Charity Organization is going to Auction off Front Seat/First Rides on Thunderhead?
    or if
  • Knott's for that matter w/Silver Bullet?

I know that Dollywood/ACE is having an (Smoky Mountain CoasterStorm '04 - info here -> Event on Friday March 26th, 2004 for a Preview that day. This is the day before their Passholder Day which is on Saturday, March 27th, 2004. And Opening day a week later on Saturday, April 3rd, 2004.

I haven't heard/read anything from or about Hershey Park or Knott's doing/planning anything, *yet*, for Storm Runner or Silver Bullet!

I just love those Theme Park-Coaster-Charity Events thingees... besides, I need some good (high $$$ Charity Auctions) Tax write offs for this year!

Thanks, in advance for any info!

I would think you answered your own question about the Thunderhead rides.....

Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth. Trip pics are here:
^Thanks Rampage, but I was looking for something on the level of a Charity Auction Event not a Coaster Club Event. I don't think the IRS would consider the Dollywood/ACE Event a Charitable Donation for a tax deduction!

I was thinking more along the lines of the Cedar Point-Top Thrill Dragster / Firelands Redcross VIP Ride Auction Event from last year (2003).

As in this link:

*** Edited 2/15/2004 9:20:26 PM UTC by Coaster Cruiser***

I think it's a good bet that Knott's will do a charity auction for Silver Bullet. Xcelerator as well as the last couple coasters opened in Cedar Fair opened that way.

Dollywood and Hersheypark havn't done Chartible Coasters in the past, but it doesn't nesscesarily mean they won't. We'll just have to see.

I was referring to the fact that if ACE has their event the day before season pass day that no one will get any "first" rides.

Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth. Trip pics are here:
While as far as I know, Dollywood will not be auctioning off seats for Thunderhead, Dollywood hosts a variety of benefit concerts throughout the year that's profits go into local school systems & education in Sevier County.

Dollywood also has the Dollywood Foundation, which donates books and other educational material to kids in the area.

FYI, the Dollywood / ACE event on March 26 has been postponed / cancelled due to the neverending rain in the area. GCI reports that the coaster may be ready to go on April 6 at the earliest.

Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth. Trip pics are here:
The rumors of the Dollywood event being postponed are premature. At this time we feel confident that the ACE preview will go on as scheduled, however we do have a disclaimer if this situation were to change.

Note that all registration checks will be held until the status of the event is confirmed on or before March 23.

Actually, there will be no event on the 26th. There was talk at one time about an early opening on the 26th, but such an early opening is not possible. We hope to see you all at Dollywood this Spring when the ride is up and running! :)

Can we place bets on if the event will happen as scheduled? or not? ;)
I'd just like to give Coaster Cruiser a shout out for mastering the art of italics!
So are you guys saying that the official Thunderhead opening date of April 3rd is no longer going to happen???

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
I would read what gamndbndr has to say. He would be the best person of anyone on this board to let you know the status of this particular situation. Peace out!

"Sit down, enjoy much airtime and put your feet IN the fire!" "He's gross,... He ain't gettin' none of this!"
Oh my God, Kevin is alive! :)

Does this mean you are going to the event, Kevin? I think Charlie wants to go as well. ;)

Joe, who agrees with Kevin who agrees with Robert

OMG I have a new sig!!!
Charlie's first word was "woodie"


Joe: You do look good for a 28 year old.

"Sit down, enjoy much airtime and put your feet IN the fire!" "He's gross,... He ain't gettin' none of this!"
rollergator's avatar
Considering who's posting what, I think it's HIGHLY likely ;)....that the event, should it go on "as scheduled", will not include *rides* on said woodie...

GCI *is* building it...;)

Likely the park is being "optimistic" when talking with gamndbndr...

Kevin, congratulations...on BOTH fronts...:)

bill, thinking Dollywood might want to "consider their options"...;)
*** Edited 2/19/2004 4:28:08 AM UTC by rollergator***

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Atta boy Charlie! He's already got the ACEr traits. ;)

Check your Private Messages, Kevin!


OMG I have a new sig!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
Auctioning seats for charity is a fine thing, and bidding [and winning] said seats is all good in my book, but don't fool yourself into thinking that you're anywhere near the first to ride the coaster when that train rolls out of the station.

Trust me...dozens of people have already ridden before you.

mOOSH [prefers to ride a few weeks after it's open]

Well, to quote a few people:

thrillerman1 said:
So are you guys saying that the official Thunderhead opening date of April 3rd is no longer going to happen???

All I said was that the event on the 26th isn't going to happen...geez.

And as far as who to listen to on this board on this subject, I'd just like to vouch for coasterpunk (seeing as he's the only one on this board who actually works for GCI) or myself, because let's just say, I know a guy. ;)

And Dan, I'll take your bet!

Andrea Pike *** Edited 2/20/2004 12:03:18 AM UTC by CoasterWife3***

Mamoosh's avatar
LOL Andrea! Gee...I wonder who you know?

I had the pleasure of meeting "that guy you know" at PPP [where were you?] and we talked about Thunderhead. Please tell him that not only will it be in our 2005 Wood Coaster Calendar but it will be featured prominently on the cover as well! And it's not the only GCI in the calendar.

Ciao ;)


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