Another Six Flags down...

dexter said:
blah blah blah..... I say CEO's should not be treated like gods or royality. Who cares if they have a lot of responsibilities? So does a lot of regular people.

Well the fact that you made that distinction between CEO's and regular people speaks volumes.

matt.'s avatar
It speaks volumes that he says CEO's shouldn't be treated like gods or royalty and then doesn't point out exactly who is doing that.
rollergator's avatar
Oops, how do I go about *closing* the can of worms...

I agree that the wealthy place a higher value on their time, obviously all of society does. But I gotta agree with dex, people making minimum wage have loads of responsibility as well....they just have to wipe their own rear-ends...

Gonch, can we respectfully disagree, I don't wanna get body-slammed... ;)

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Of course, Gator. It's all in the fun of the debate. :)

rollergator's avatar
Good, now I don't have to worry about getting put in a sleeper-hold and missing the ERT at Holiwood Nights... :)
Ceo's can also get thrown in jail for the littlest things they do wrong.

Would you want to have to fly all over the country for your business and not see your familly possibly for weeks on end?

dexter said:
Sorry children, but times are tough here in the smith household and I am not going to give your you allowance raise of One dollar per year this year. You are expected to do your chores as usuial. We need to spend that money on the things that matter like food and bills.

Oh and by the way, I am going to go to the mall this weekend and buy at least $10,000 worth of clothes, shoes, make-up, maybe a manicure and pedicure, maybe a massage, OHH and some expensive shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I deserve it because I am a good Mommy.

I dont have kids, but I did essentially cut off all gift giving to my family/friends while at the same time, harassing them *more* and leaning harder on them for emotional and sometimes physical support (thus increasing their "duties") and also made myself scarce to help with their needs all so that I could throw myself a 25 thousand dollar party!

Suprisingly, they were all willing to accept these terms.

What a bastard I am. :)

--not really adding anything 'cept maybe a little levity
PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

DBJ said:

There is now word that SF will use park wide pricing on food, so every park will have the same prices! Ouch. That seems like a poor decision.


Isn't that a check box on Roller coaster typhoon

ApolloAndy's avatar
Another aspect of the issue is that there are jobs which take a different type of one in a million skill/luck/character (inner city public school teacher, for instance) that just get shat upon when it comes to salary.

The system takes advantage of people who do hard jobs well because they believe in them and rewards people who do hard jobs well because they will make someone money.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeremy, I love your analogy. By the way, I forgot to mention previously that it looks like you had a very nice $25,000 party! Congratulations.
Anton, I have a lot of responsibilities. Big Wigs have a lot of responsibilities. I make $7 an hour. Big wigs make maybe $5,000 an hour. Who's the one getting screwed in the deal? I don't understand your post, but maybe that will help you to see what I am trying to say. The distinction between CEO's and Regular people like me is that they are making Millions more than me per year.

Matt., CEO's who make Millions a year are who I am talking about. Money has become the only way we show our worth to society within the last 10 or 20 years. CEO's are Millionares, so they are the equivilant to royality and gods in our society.

My main point that you guys didn't understnad, or pretended not to understand to get me to respond, is that CEO's are paid too much and people who do all of the footwork for a company are paid too little. The more money you earn, the more idolized you are in the grand sceme of things. I am a nobody compared to Donald Trump, yet I may be a more likeable person if we both made the same amount of money.

Some guys never put "heart" in their posts, just knowledge. That was my other point. *** Edited 4/15/2006 4:11:09 AM UTC by dexter***

matt.'s avatar

dexter said:
CEO's are paid too much and people who do all of the footwork for a company are paid too little.

This is all just so completely subjective. People who feel they are paid "too little" have every right in this world to do whatever they want to get paid "just right" or even "too much" which may very well fit Mr. Shapiro.

We don't live in a perfect world where everything is completely fair and the playing field is totally even for everybody, but we still have choices to make that directly effect what our pay rate is.

Honest, I don't have much sympathy for anbody who personally feels they are paid "too little." Get a new job. *** Edited 4/15/2006 4:13:27 AM UTC by matt.***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Not all responsibility is created equal.

The responsibility held by the kid stocking shelves at Wal-Mart is not even in the same universe as the responsibility held by H. Lee Scott (president and CEO of the company) - to even compare the two is beyond insane.

That's a great idea, Matt.

Actually, my last day at my retail job will be tomorrow and I will go work the summer at Cedar Point, which I feel does pay enough considering the cheap housing and food.

Then maybe this Winter I'll start Film School in Orlando and get my Bachelors degree of Science in Film. Then I can chenge my life for the better and get paid what I feel I deserve, all while doing something that makes me feel important and less like an expendable robot.

But after all of that is done and I am where I want to be in life, I will still feel that low wages are a business way of taking advantage of employees who have been pushed down by society. I have seen firsthand and overcame the effects of feeling like I am only good enough to be a slave to the world. A lot of places I have worked over the years have showed me that they do not benefit from their "Team Members" being sucessful in life. They do everything in their power to make employees feel like they have no way out. Part of the way they do that is low pay. Low pay keeps employees from being able to seek ways to get the skills they need to be successful. I can't even afford gas to drive to work sometimes, so I am going to do something about it.

You say "Get a new job" like it is easy. A person who works for low wages isn't going to easily be able to find another job that would pay much more. This means that people who need to find "a new job" need to go to school to be taught new skills, so getting a new job is all the more difficult.

I'll bet you went to college very close to graduating High School. Am I right? If true, this tells me you have had less experience with low paying jobs, and therefore is why you have the "no sympathy, get a new job" attitude. Maybe you would feel differently if you had worked for a living as a corperation slave. I could be WAY OFF here and if I am please forgive's just a guess.

This is just conversation. I say all of this respectfully.

I love how CoasterBuzz in the offseason can have a topic about a SF park closing and end up being about How much money people are paid for working for a company. We are funny that

matt.'s avatar

dexter said:

You say "Get a new job" like it is easy.

Easy isn't a part of adult life. That's just the way it is. I don't know Mr. Shapiro personally, but if one were to inquire about his career path, "easy" probably didn't come into the equation many times.

Well first dex, as much as I aspire to be the great Schwarzkopf. . . I'm not. There is an 'a' and a 'u' in my name ;) Much love though.

Second, I understand what you are saying, I just have a different opinion (If that is ok with you) I don't know it all, I can only speak from my experiences. As a person who started from the bottom, to now in some form of mgmt role, I know that the level of responsibility is so much greater. There were so many times I wish my day ended at 5pm, or that I didnt have to host conference calls to make difficult decisions at weird hours of the night, or that I didnt have to be held accountable for the people that work under me. But that is what I chose to do, so I have no reason to whine. I know it has to be a lot worse for CEO's. I have much respect for them.

On a lighter note, if you want to talk about overpaid, its them dentists. My dentist works 3 days a week and takes home 250k a year!

It's fine that you and I disaggree. I can only speak from my experiences too. I try not to "whine" if you were implying that that is what I do. I try to do something about my stuck in a rut situation. It's been an ongoing project my entire life. I understand what you are saying too, respectfully.

Dentists...HAHAHA. Mine tries to talk me into letting him drill a new hole in my teeth every few months or so so he can fill it . I finally told him I didn't want him to keep drilling and just clean my teeth and let me be. I was going to him every few weeks for a while. Nice guy, but boy did he ever milk it.

"I'm sorry, but I can't see you anymore. We both got what we needed to get out of the relationship but there is no more to give and I feel that you and I are just not good for each other anymore. It can't be the way it was before. I hope you can understand, Mr. Dentist." HAHAHAHAHA!

Lord Gonchar's avatar
You think your dentist is a scam!?

Mine offers q-bot! ;)

Well my girlfriend makes really good money as a model @ $350 an hour but I still says she's way underpaid. But that is because she has a kind heart and deserves to make more than Bill Gate! :)

It is a FACT that The Voyage is the greatest thing on the planet!!

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