Another SFOG Goliath Opening Day

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We decided to make the drive down to Atlanta from Columbus, Ohio for opening day of Goliath, and it would be my first visit to SFOG. After 8 hours of driving, we got to our hotel right outside the park, so we would not have to pay for parking. I was happy we chose that route because I think they were charging $15 to park, but I am not positive. Now there is a reason, they call this a giant among coasters, because it dwarfs everything else at the park. It is just about the only coaster you can see above the trees. On Saturday morning, my brother Kevin and I headed over to the park at 9 to get in early with our Magic Mountain season passes. It was raining, so the crowd was quite small. We got in the park and hung out in some of the shops at the entrance, with a bunch of the Looney Tunes characters, which were out in full force. At quarter to ten, which was the scheduled opening, we headed over to Goliath and got in line. It was pretty long, but we were concerned that it may get even longer as the day went on. (Which ended up being incorrect.)

Goliath (55 min. wait) 2 trains

We were in line when they pulled the second car out on the track, which started a loud cheer from the crowd. Then they started testing the trains, and after two runs with each, they started loading people on. After about a forty minute wait in line, which moved very fast, we got in the back seat. This was to be my first B&M hyper, so I really didn't know what to expect. The first thing I did notice was the freedom in the seat, I had never realized how constrained I was in Intamin seats, until I got on Goliath. Goliath also has a very steep lift hill, unlike the hypers I am used to. The first drop on the coaster is awesome, and it never lets up. The helix isn't as forceful as some, but still great. Then the bunny hills were the best part of this ride in my opinion. Each one had awesome airtime. The train maintained a high speed from start to finish, but I don't know if they were using the brake or not. Overall, this ride surpassed the few other hypers I have been on [MXL, Mamba, PR, SROS (SFDL), and Goliath (SFMM)]. After my third lap on it, I was even comparing it to Millennium. 10/10

Acrophobia (Walk-on)

I was looking forward to this ride, since it is quite different than other drop towers, but it was way too short. The riding position was cool, and I didn't experience some of the famous pains you get on this ride. But overall it was very boring because of its height.

Superman Ultimate Flight (30 min) 2 trains

I had a lot of expectations for this ride, since the Vekoma models are just plain AWESOME in my opinion, and B&M ALWAYS does everything better. Well, I was wrong. This ride just did not deliver at all. BORG Assimilator is my second favorite coaster, and this did not fair nearly as well. First, why did they ever decide to take you up the hill in the flying position? The best part of flyers is the first lie to fly at the top the hill. The pretzal loop wasn't nearly as fun as a vertical loop, and rest of the layout could put you to sleep. 5/10

Dahlonega Mine Ride (5 min) 2 trains

This is a very rough mine ride. Not much else to say about it. 4/10

Mindbender (Walk-on) 2 trains

By the time we made it over to ride Mindbender, it was dark, so I don't know what this ride is like during the day. Now everyone always talks about this ride being great, but they must be exaggerating, right? It is nearly 30 years old, how can a steel coaster that old be that good? IT IS!!! This was most definitely the surprise of the trip. It is unbelievably smooth for its age and has some great terrain. Running right next to the waterfall is a very nice touch, and the loops are sweet. Other than Goliath, this is their best ride in my opinion. 9/10

Batman the Ride (10 min) 2 trains

Same as all the others.

Georgia Scorcher (10 min) 2 trains

I am a big fan of stand-up coasters, and most people say this is one of the best. I have to disagree. Scorcher seemed way too short and less forceful. I definitley prefer the Mantis/Chang layout more. But it is was still fun. 7/10

Georgia Cyclone (Walk-on) 2 trains

I didn't get a chance to ride either of the wooden coasters on Sat., so I did on Sunday morning. This was a pretty good woodie in my opinion, maybe a little rough at times, but hey, it is made of wood. I love the layout of these little cyclones, with plenty of lateral g's. 6/10

Great American Sream Machine (Walk-on) 2 trains

After the second drop, I was hoping this ride would just end. The train ran waaaayyyy to rough, and every hill was torture. I got off of it wondering why it was so terrible, and so was everyone else on the train. It was just plain bad. 2/10

Now, my opinion of the park. The only other SF parks I had been to were SFDL, SFKK, SFMM, and SFSL, so my overall opinion of SF was not great as you can imagine. Six Flags Over Georgia is NOTHING, and let me repeat, NOTHING like those other parks. It may have been because it was opening day of Goliath, but this was the friendliest staff I have ever been around. This place defined customer experience, and I don't mean in just the amusement industry. Every single person working was happy to be there, from 10 AM to 10 PM (Actually, even until 10:05, when I was strapping in to Scorcher!) Four times, sweepers asked me if I was enjoying my day, which makes you feel good. I know some people on here don't think that that kind of stuff matters, but that is totally ridiculous. It does. The park was spotless, and the landscaping was beautiful. All of the ride-ops were joking around with the riders, getting everyone to cheer on every train before they left the station. Overall, we had a fantastic time. Next year, I am coming back for more than a weekend. The only problem was the Ninja and Deja Vu were not running, but I could not have cared less. Cedar Point may not be my favorite park anymore. WOW, I went a little far, but SFOG is a close second.

Its definately my favorite SF park.

I miss Drachen Fire

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
2.5 weeks 'til I finally get to ride Mindbender! Hopefully I'll find the wood more to my liking than you did. Goliath sounds good too.
Anyone know if Vu is expected to be open in time for Fling?

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

rollergator's avatar
Don't KNOW, Matt....but the mngt. at SFoG has been pretty consistent since the installation of Da Vu....once *everything* else is up and running and maintained and checked, THEN they'll spend good mechanic-hours trying to get Vu going. First do what you can and should do, which means getting all the other rides ready for operation... Vu is an *added bonus* if there's manpower left over...

While I know alot of us here like Vu (I do too), it's not worth it if you sacrifice 2-3 other rides to get it running...a VERY good call on the part of the park if you ask me...

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^That's the only Vu I need. :-) It's not that important to me, though. I am not going to waste my time waiting for it to run when Goliath is waiting for me! lol.
No DV for Spring Fling. They should be all down due to a February recall. The train isn't even in the park at this point.

Ninja will also probably not be in the Spring Fling schedule as well.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Doh! I've been dissed by MM's Vu twice now, and now SFoG. So out of 7 or so visits to the three Vu parks, I will be 1 and 6.

Hopefully I can return for RRR and nab it then. I loved my one ride on GAm's Vu. I was expecting just another credit, but man it was a blast.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

rollergator's avatar
No NINJA? Now I'm disappointed...well, for Matt anyway...

Matt, if you want to *experience* Ninja, just break some cinderblocks over you head and shoulders...same general idea... ;)

I too like the RIDE experience of the Vu, but virtually EVERYTHING about those rides has been problematic - just look at SFMM's section of removable track in the station, used to dis-assemble and re-assemble the train on an almost-monthly basis...capacity nightmares, you name it. And to think how good the plain old "Inverted Boomerang Mark I" was...anyone ever purchase HangOver?

It was crazy, last year, i only got one chance to visit the SF 25 minutes from my house SFoG. I have been so many times during other seasons, however, and have ridden Deja Vu quite a few times.

Regardless of the amount of times I have ridden it, however, I have been to the park many more times with excited friends only to find Deja and Acro closed.

On my one visit last year, however, it was sometime in September, I came down Lickskillet hill, and saw DV running! My friends who had never been to the park before were very excited, as was I, since I knew the rarity of the event. After about a 55 minute full queue wait, (yes they were running it that good), it was our turn, and to my surprise, we just happened to be the lucky four to gain front row entrance!

It was awesome, and only the second time I managed to snag a front row ride on the Vu. An experience Im sure only a few and the lucky have done. Anytime the ride is open, however, its definitely worth the wait.

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