Another Rough Day at SFWoA - 6/13/01 (novel)

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Soggy's avatar
So if X-Flight breaks down so often, why don't you get upset at Vekoma, they are the ones that built the thing, not Six Flags!

SLFAKE took the words right out of my mouth. No park is perfect, so stop all the "This would NEVER happen at CP" comments, because it can, and probabaly has.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

2Hostyl said:
"Sometimes I think it's an Ohio thing=five "mullet"type folks" name calling. Mullet Type people would that be a stereotype??

(Geauga Lake) was so dirty when I went there. THe rid-ops were un-friendlt and the capacity was terrible. X- FLight broke, Batman was broke, mind eraser...(June 11)

------------- for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT
Hey, just be glad I don't pee on everyone in line. I always pee in Coke and Pepsi bottles!! It's just plane amusing and fun to everyone, especially children nearby! Now I must go comb my mullet if you don't mind!!!

Guns and Roses are having a reunion!!! They rock!!

Yes, I am just foolin' if you didn't know.
Jeff's avatar
It has happened at Cedar Point. I saw a guy take a whiz in line for The Force. I've also seen dozens of people escorted out for a number of reasons. It's one thing when you're talking about a queue with 4,000+ people in it and another when there are about 300.

No, Cedar Point is not perfect, I've had my share of bad days there, but the local alternative, namely Geauga Lake, is consistently bad, and that's where the problem lies. There are freak occurrences and then there's routine. It isn't about some religious allegiance or something, this is just the observation of someone who frequents both parks. I don't go looking for a bad time. I've got a thousand other things to do that are more important than going to an amusement park, so making those trips are supposed to be my release.

Jeff (who still doesn't have grass around his new house)
Webmaster/Admin -
There was a post referring to CP vs KI ride closures. You may see rides closed at CP perhaps and not KI because KI has removed the majority of there flat rides!

While CP MAINTAINS there rides, and keeps them open to give riders a break from coaster riding, and to allow park goers something to do without waiting in huge line, KI just takes them out......i can count 20 rides that have been removed from KI in the last 25 years since i first went there, but less than 10 from CP with some of these being duplicates of remaining rides (tiki twirl-calypso, cable skyway). When you average that out against the number of actual rides at each park, that gives KI a HUGE percentage of removed rides.

KI may have theming, but they have lost almost all of that in the last 10 years. Oktoberfest has a few German looking buildings, and an AFRICAN mine train, Action Zone is not a themed section, and now they are chopping away at Rivertown.

I really enjoy going to KI, and they have did a great job at adding world class coasters over the years, but it definitely has lost some of its "magic".

*** This post was edited by super7 on 6/15/2001. ***
Is mullet type folks a sterotype? I'm sorry if it is. I guess I could have typed out "five people, including three guys with mullets and two girls with long stringy 1980's GoGos style haircuts"...but "mullet type" was so much easier.

And as for the number of good days vs bad days at the parks, I cant weigh in on that discussion. All I *can* say is what I've seen in the three visits to each park in the last year. And in only one of the parks did I witness public micturation.
signing off for a while,
An SFBrat who is resigned to the fact that the world is filled with Six Flags's tragic that they waste their lives like that
I wrote in my original post that it probably is unfair to compare SFWoA to Cedar Point, but it happens naturally since the two parks are close and since Six Flags is obviously out to compete with Cedar Point. Why else the aggressive ride additions?

When I got home and told people I went to SFWoA, every single one of them asked me, "How does it compare to Cedar Point?" It is just the natural thing people do.

Ok so I am wrong for saying that urinating in a queue would never happen at Cedar Point. CP still places security guards to watch over long lines to at least throw troublemakers out of the park. My complaint is not so much that SFWoA is full of idiot guests who trash the park - any amusement park is full of these types of guests, even CP - but that the park is not staffed and/or not ready to throw these guests out and clean the park up so normal guests don't have to put up with them.


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
I had a bad experience at SFWoA. My sister, her boyfriend, and my friend were all comenting on how alot staff looks like they are 12 or 13. My friend said shezz look at that kid he looks like he is 10 and the kid (employee) heard him, and was like What did you say? You wanna make something of it ? I mean i'll take you. Then the kid just stared at him. We just walked away cause it wouldn't had been worth it fighting him or saying anything back. I thought about turning him in but didn't do it. Cedar Point or any other park I have been to atleast hire people that are in 16-20 but not 13 year olds, that to me makes me feel unsafe when they are doing their job. They do not know the consequences of working and how they can affect a company as a whole. Although I am only 15, I work full time for a landscaping company and I know how to deal with working and not to antagnize the customers....... *** This post was edited by Gemini245 on 6/15/2001. ***
Like Ive said before you have 100 years of familys growing up with CP. Growing up in the area young adults have a goal of working there, they have gone since young kids and there parents have gone since young kids. When you have love of a place you take care of it better and are nicer. You give 1 generation of growing up SF in the area you will see a change in apperance of park and how the employee's treat you. Right now you have a few people who love there job at SFWoA and the rest are there for a pay check.

Army rangers lead the way *** This post was edited by supermandl on 6/15/2001. ***
Most of my days at SFWoA have been good, but I have been disappointed in some cases:

1) X-Flight being down.
2) The Villain being down.
3) Running the least possible amount of trains on a coaster on a busy day, and their excuse is: "It's not busy enough."
4) Incredibly slow and lazy employees (not implying that every employee is slow and lazy).

Other than that, many of my visits have been enjoyable and am generally happy with SFWoA's performance for the days I have gone.

Chris B.
I tend to maintain a positive outlook for Six Flags, even though I have had bad experiences with some of the parks. The SFMW incident was a rare one for that park, the park generally runs as well as any other park in California. But that doesn't mean I will excuse it when it does happen.

I happen to like SFWOA very much, but you can't argue with all the bad reports coming out of that park, and I only attend the park twice a year. But it always cracks me up when people say "oh yeah the park was dirty, overflowing trash cans, the employees were unfriendly, ect. Uh no, please give specifics like I always do, that way we know your not a die hard CP fan just chiming in to make things look worse.

SFWOA certainly needs work, that much is obvious, but please give this park a few years to get knocked on their but, and I think the park will improve quite a bit. Maybe just stop going for awhile till they get their act together, then you've solved your own problem. As for SFMM, for the most part it's a great, well run park. You caught it on a bad day. I'm proud to live within driving distance of the park. *** This post was edited by DWeaver on 6/15/2001. ***
From a CP buff...
I had approxamately... 2-3 friendly employees the whole day... one guy was a sweep who stopped to talk to us about Batman, then started tellin facts about Milennium Force..

The garbage cans were not overflowing, I in fact didnt see one "overflow" at all.. There were very unhappy sweeps EVERYWHERE, nobody acknowledged us at all when going into a shop, no thank you's when we bought food, (cept for the nice guy at the beer garden)... but praise to a clean place all in all... just work on the customer service thing... it'll be ok ;)

Oh and I must say, the nicest people i saw all day were the people guessing age/weight/birth
AIM: Pritti Kittie
I was about to post the same thing, Jess. I have been there 5 times and have yet to see an overflowing trash can or a dirty pathway. (I was actively looking for them today after reading these TR's, and the park was packed.) I am really beginning to wonder if all these negative TR's are legit. Don't get me wrong, I know SFWoA has problems that need to be fixed but cleanliness does NOT appear to be one of them.
As for the friendliness of employees I find the great majority of them to be quite friendly if you greet them with a smile, and don't treat them like "the help" as many peeps tend to do.
And unruly, rowdy, or obnoxious people? They are EVERYWHERE even at CP. Just because some drunk idiot peed in a cup and didn't get caught does not mean SF has no security and the park is trash. I have been on X-flight twice, both midweek days and there were at least 4 or 5 people policing the line. Again the inconsistency with these negative TR's confounds me. Can the park be really be run that much differently from one day to the next?


*** This post was edited by G-Money on 6/16/2001. *** *** This post was edited by G-Money on 6/17/2001. ***
I went to SFWOA last year, and I really had mixed feelings. I thought the facilities were definitely not adequate (lines are not meant for restrooms), and the park generally felt overcrowded. The park didn't seem to be as bad as it was during some of you all's visit, but I still left the park with an overall sense of, unsatisfaction. Hopefully SFWOA will get it's act together real quick, but lets NOT set this as a stereotype to all Six Flags parks. Most are very nice parks, as with Cedar Fair and other chains.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

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