...And the Saga Begins...

Today my DDRMax and 2 pads came after ordering it off of eBay a little over a week ago. I'm addicted. The pads aren't the best quality but they're definitely better than I expected. So yea, just thought I'd let you know that you've got another recruit. Here's to hoping SFNE has a machine this year...

SFNE Central v4- Online Six Flags New England Resource
CBuzzer since September 2001 with a few bumps along the way. :)

SO what pads did you get?

And whats the nearest DDR to SFNE?

If Lifes a Rollercoaster, I want a Flawless

I got these regular ones with no foam inserts and flashing lights, it does a decent job. I don't know the nearest to SFNE, but there is a MAX2 machine like a mile away from me.

SFNE Central v4- Online Six Flags New England Resource
CBuzzer since September 2001 with a few bumps along the way. :)

I just ordered another of the original Cyphergames pads with the foam insert. My wife does not like to play on my metal pad, but when she would play with her friends, she graciously used it and let her friend have the "better" pad. So I bought her another soft one. :) But for me, those pads just don't do it. :)

Joey Isch, are you still around? In the monster thread, you said you bought a Cyphergames metal pad, how is that holding up?

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

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