another one from me, more scary than amusing though.
on colossus at thorpe park i always love to leave about an inch or two gap on the OTS restraint so i really move about when going down the four inlines (great experience!). i thought that one time i would try to give myself about half a foots room and then wait for the ride attendant to push the restraint down to see how much gap the ride attendant would give me. unfortuntely for me, the ride attendant was chatting to someone with an exit pass and so didnt even check my restraint, so i went out the station with about half a foots gap on the OTS!! i thought, cool, the biggest one click ride ever. however, on the inlines, i was so close to falling out! great ride though, if kinda freaky and very scary.
You can pulll down a restraint after a ride starts it just wont come up.
Except this time on Mantis when i got halfway up the lift and realized, MY HARNESS WASN"T LOCKED!! It was moving up and down. I slammed the thing down as hard as I could and it locked. Otherwise I would have had a seatbelt only ride.
KNeemeister can vouch for that one.
The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly
It didn't lock? Sounds like they need to keep up on their maintence a bit better!
I love it when little kids get on the Vortex or SOB, and, as they're sitting in the seats after they've been locked, ask me if it has any loops in it. This happens at least once an hour. Answers may vary from "yes, 6 of them" to "no" depending on my mood.
BTW, it IS possible to race and still do it safely. I do it every day : )
Ohio - Coaster capital of the world
*** This post was edited by quailroberts on 7/3/2002. ***
-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.
Can we change the name of Top Gun to your mom so no one wants to ride your mom?
At Hershey last year the ride op was giving the height of the Lightning Racers first drop in inches instead of feet. I got a laugh on that.
Knoebels visits in 2002. 4
At Power Tower, we did the countdown, shoot on three routine about 3 or 4 percent of the time, but we are not allowed doing it anymore. Power Tower, not being a coaster, doesn't get much respect from CP ride supervision. No hats, no T-shirts with our unapproved or ad-libbed spiels over the mic...just "Ready" "Clear" and "Off the Handrails." Anything else is an instant write-up.
Yet Raptor and Mantis can cut each other down all day long.
CP ride supervision has no respect for the best "flat" ever created.
I saw some clumsy idiot get his foot caught while getting out of Iron Dragon and nearly fall flat on his face! Wait a sec...that was me! ;)
Aaron, who received a nasty looking bruise for his efforts!
I think Lake Compounce has the funniest ride ops. When I went on Zoomerang the ride op told everyone in sight to duck when the train comes through the station to avoid getting hit by flying parts! I thought that was hilarious.
S:RoS ( SFNE ) is #1!
Can we change the name of Top Gun to your mom so no one wants to ride your mom?
After our ride on Gemini on 6/27, which was only the second race that day, the ride op said something like, "I know you wanted to beat them, but did you have to beat them by that much?" As we started up the lift that ride, we (in the red train) led the blue train by first a car, then a car and one row. Our lead only increased after that, and we beat the blue train by two or three, if not four, train lengths. :)
"What am I doing?"
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