American Eagle running backwards.Your thoughts.

This is more of two topics. Who has ridden it backwards in the past and what is your opinion on this recent announcement?

Its been a long time coming for me because I rode it backwards for its 10th anniversary back in 1991. However it only lasted for about a month but it was a great thrill. Riding in the front seat, going up the lift hill watching the chain lift grow in front of you and then being whipped down that first drop is just short of a religious experience. The other cool part of it was they constantly raced the 2 sides with one side going backwards. So who else has been on it when they ran it backwards in the past? 

 What is your overall opinion of this announcement? I think its just awesome and I feel it will bring a much needed spark back into this once great out and back woodie. It was definitely clever to put it backwards on the blue side do to it being the more boring of the two sides. Hopefully this will be a permanent thing like the Racer at PKI but I wont keep my hopes up on that.


Chitown: Who feels SFGAm is going to be sweet this season.

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stoogemanmoe's avatar
Well, I rode the red side during the last FrightFest and when we got to the very beggining of the helix, I thought it got extremely rough and we sat in the middle. We could see the first 2 cars come up off the track I bet by about 2 inches and then it slammed back down onto the track. I couldn't beleive how rough my beloved Eagle has become and how slow it comes into the helix thanks to the brakes. I still love this ride dearly as I rode it for my 1st time the same year I graduated out of highschool, 1981. I think it's really cool that the blue train will be running backwards, but I hope they get rid of the roughness heading into the helix.  They'er removing the wall!!!! YAY!!!!
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*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 1/21/2002. ***

Well, I never rode it backwards, but will be able to this season. I think it's great. It gives me a reason to go on the blue side again. I havn't gone on that side when I can also go on red side in a few years. The only time I went on it recently was when red was not open. Hopefully it does stay this way, it would probably save the park money by not having to once again reverse the trains. The only thing they can do now to make it better is let up on the brakes at the begining of the helix.
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I've been to the park 3 or 4 times in my life so far and I'm 14! I think that American Eagle, which I've ridden countless times, both sides! I rode it last May, and if it does stay like that (like Racer at PKI, which I rode backwards! What a cool experiance!), I'm definetely going to go on it, along with V2 and Deja Vu! :) This would be my greatest experiance on this ride if I ride it backwards!
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I didn't get to ride it a few years ago when they had it backwards, I really wanted to but couldn't get there in time for it.  So I am really looking forward to riding it,  Like TrBiggar I usually would go on the red side of the eagle and only go on the blue side on days that the red side wasn't open, this gives me a reason to ride both sides now and have two different ride experiences.  I think this is a great move its something for the park to advertise other than Deja Vu and V2 again.  I hope they can keep this coaster running backwards for a long time.
I wish they would have started this last summer.  I probably will not go back to SFGAm for a few years because I was just there last June.  I hope this is a permanent thing, because it sounds really cool.  I'm sure experiencing helix backwards (even if it's a slow helix) is an awesome experience!
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I remember riding it backwards,  best ride I ever had on the thing.    I sat in the front and watched the track fly by, it was really fun.  Whipping over the first drop in the front seat is quite an experience.
Recent announcement? Did I miss something here? Does anyone have a link to this announcement?
beast7369's avatar
Well as Michelle Hoffman said that the last time they let it run backwards they only did it until the end of June, and she had no idea how long they will run it backwards for.  She highly recommended getting out there early in the season if you want to experience the American Eagle backwards.  Gee it might not happen for another 11 years so get out there.

There is no link to the announcement as it was made at No Coaster Con which was Saturday Jan 19, 2002.

I have ridden the American Eagle backwards and it is so much fun.  I am glad they are FINALLY doing it again.  You know where I am heading the first day I go to SFGAm!  American Eagle backwards. 

Hey I did not know eagles could fly backwards. ;)

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For the link ust take out the club if you're not in.

*** This post was edited by MFRULES on 1/21/2002. ***

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I was there in '91, but was too late in the year to ride it backwards. I have often thought about the chances of this happening permanently. Several individuals I have spoken with at the park expressed their interest in this idea, and I am thrilled to see my #2 woodie have a "change of pace," if you will! :) Now if they'd only let her run without that midcourse! Ahh....memories.....
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nasai's avatar
I have never ridden it backwards, but it sounds delicious.  Any time I get a chance to experience a coaster in a different fashion (backwards, nighttime, eyes-closed), I am all for it.  Hopefully, it can remain that way for my next trip out there.  I never really did like AE, but perhaps this will change my mind.
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I rode it backwards a long time ago, it was sweet, and I cannot wait untill I get to do it again.
I'm anxious to ride it backwards.  It's always a thrill to ride a coaster you know well backwards for the first time.  I remember riding the Screaming Eagle backwards a while ago and it brought TONS of new thrills to a great ride.
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I dont care if they run it backwards or not, but do hope they will now run both sides and not just one side like they did most of last year!
I've never ridden it backwards. I am excited about this. It should be very fun. Hopefully, along with the backwards train, they will do some trackwork and lighten the brakes, perhaps even race them. That would be cool. To people who have ridden it backwards, what does the airtime feel like? Is there any airtime when you go on bakwards?
I will be making my first trek to SFGAm this year so I am optimistic.   I like Racer Backward at PKI but it is mainly because that side gives much more airtime.   I am not much of a gimmick guy, but sometimes they work and I am looking forward to riding all of SFGAM coasters.

Chuck, who will be there the day after timbersfest, Nungester

Charles Nungester
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