American Eagle: Only U.S. Intamin woodie?

This is just a quick question. Is the American Eagle at SFGAm the only Intamin woodie in the U.S.?
Im going to grab a cold one! WHAT? Walk to my computer! WHAT? Turn the thing on! WHAT? Log on to Coasterbuzz! WHAT? I said log on to Coasterbuzz!! WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?
I believe so.  It's not soley in Intamin woodie though, but they were collaborators.  I don't think there is a solo Intamin woodie here.
- Peabody
You are correct. That is the only Intamin woodie in the US... for now :P
Let's see Chris, would that for now be referring to an Intamin woodie coming to Wild Country USA?  Ya know, that park under construction just south of Memphis, TN that is going to open spring of 2004?
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Does anyone actually have photos or an article about Wild County? If so, please post it. Thanks.
Flying High Again.
Actually I doubt we'd ever see an Intamin woodie on US Soil.  CCI ones are better and cheaper. 
Is it the roar of Kumba or the kumba of Roar? Discuss!
Agreed with CCI who needs Intamin overrated if you ask me and not very many peeps have even rode one, if I want a smooth ride I will take steel thank you.
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?
i love american eagle and it is an amazing ride. i would love to see more intamin woodies in the US

Spacecase8310 said:
CCI ones are better and cheaper.  

OK, have you been on Colossus?  If not, you don't know what is better. 
Cheaper?  Show me the price of a 198 foot CCI coaster and we'll have a fair comparison rather than speculation. (To my knowledge, Heide park hasn't even released how much Colossos cost!)

- Peabody

stoogemanmoe's avatar
American Eagle would be better if they get rid of the extreme roughness in the helix.
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)
We can't judge Intamin's wood by AE.  Yes, they did collaborate on it, but it's a long way's away from what they do now.
- Peabody

Ozzyhead said:
Does anyone actually have photos or an article about Wild County? If so, please post it. Thanks.
Flying High Again.

Yes please. I would really like to see an article of this park.

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