American Eagle at SFGAm Red/Blue

I keep hearing that the red side of AE is better than blue.

What is the difference??
The trim brakes on the red side are not on as often as the blue. Also on the return from the out helix there are more bunny hops on the red side. The blue side on the return has a couple bunny hops but also a straight away track. Bottom line is you get more airtime on the red side than the blue. Besides that the initial first drop and out camel backs are the same for both.
It also seems that the red side is closed more often. Or at least it is when I go to SFGAm.

That's my take
There was one time I visited this year where they were racing both sides. I rode the Blue and it stopped at the double-helix, but as I was approaching the final helix, the Blue side flew through the brakes just before it and went flying through that helix out of control. I didn't even know what hit me. The Blue side also caught up to the Red side. I wonder what it would have been like had the brakes before the double helix were turned off.
Well I can tell you that this ride was simply put, Awesome during the 80s. No trims in sight and the ride just flew through the whole course. They also used to race this ride all of the time. Back then I think the ride ops were told they had to race them. If they could get the Eagle to run its course the way it was intended and race them constantly like it used to be this woody would be in alot of peoples top 10.

They hardly ever race it anymore, but when they do, it is amazing. Red always wins too. Too bad the folks in Illinois haven't picked up on the fact that when they DO race it, you are close enough together to SMACK HANDS like Gemini at CP.
Still, Eagle was better back in the 80's for sure. No trims, lots o'air and they used to "hang" the red side at the top of the drop for a few seconds, like they were saying "look where you're going...right...about...NOW!!!" Nothing more amazing than seeing that "pit o' track" in front of you and hearing the blue side going over before you.

"Brak presents the Brak show starring Brak!!!"
Ah yes there, fond memories for me as well! It truly is my favorite racer anywhere.
Enough talk about American Eagle. Aren't you guys HYPED up on the new coasters that we are soon getting??? I know I am, They can start building soon, since there close for the winter. They already began the Disensemblement on the Sky Whirl.Yeah. BE HAPPY. 2 coasters for 2001.
I agree very much with chitown. When I was at SFGA this past summer the party I was with asked them to race and they did, but they didn't look too happy about it. They don't realize how much good maintenance (lean back on the brakes!)... and simple things like making sure they race well really affect the riders. AE has the potential of being the best racing woodie on the planet, it's Six Flags who hold it back.

Hey btpcheater, this subject is about AE and not about the two new coasters for 2001. We have news items and topics about that also. If you want to talk about the new rides than discuss them in the proper topics.

AE was the first rollercoaster that I was ever on and I remember my dad dragging me on as I was balling my eyes out. I think I was around 7 or 8 and wasn't tall enough. When we got up to the station, my dad had me stand on one of his feet so that when the guy came up to me with the little measuring stick, I would be tall enough. I think the guy knew I wasn't but still let me ride anyways. As soon as I got off the ride I wanted to go again. I've been riding the Eagle ever since and must say it was better in the 80's.

I also remember when they use to race them. It was a real hoot. Everyone screaming at each other as you went up the lifthill. :) It was a blast. Now when I go there, I am surprised if the ride ops even say anything like they use to in the past.

Weren't there 3 trains per track? I swear there use to be.
Wow! Deja Vu, optoman. While I was there a month ago, I saw the same thing happen on AE. I saw a father with his crying kid ride AE, and guess what I heard afterwards? "Can we go again?!?!"

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