America... Watch Out!

Gemini's avatar
Did Dick Cheney pee in your Cheerios? All I can do is just shake my head, Barry, but thanks for the chuckle. :)

When did this turn into FarkBuzz, anyway? :)

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Let's see, Mr. 19 Coasters.
I had a much snappier riposte for you, Gemini, but it disappeared into the ether before it actually posted, which must mean that it wasn't meant to be.

Trust me, though, it was a GEM. You would have LOVED IT!!!

For now, I'm giving you a pass. Chuckles. Yuks. Hee-haws!!!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:

What memories do people have of SFNO? Personally, I loved MEGA-ZEPH but I wasn't too fond of the mosquitoes. I used to think, "How could anyone come to this park in August with the bugs and humidity?"

Does anyone know if Baton Rouge was affected and the park down there? Is it OK?


Gemini's avatar
That's too bad. I was hoping to see what my track record brought to the discussion. The fact that you seem to be using it as a way to elevate your own standing was amusing.

*** Edited 9/1/2005 8:37:18 PM UTC by Gemini***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
I didn't know that the amount of riding coasters had any correlation in how informed you are.

Bad Walt! And you call yourself an enthusiast you ought to be ashamed!

~Rob "Thanks for the laugh Barry!" Willi


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-Jimvy! ;)

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
A Photoshopping? Sheesh, this REALLY must be FarkBuzz. Poor Jeff...

~Rob "This ought to be interesting" Willi


I do not know you personally. Maybe I am reading your response wrong, so I apologize if this is the case. However, something that is rather irksome is when those in an argument try to skirt the discussion by deflecting attention to Fox News, et al as if I’ve not formed my own opinions (this is the reason I’ve avoided comment on the Aljazeera stuff above)! This is the type of stuff that leads to personal insult battle that I’ve tried so hard to avoid. I do not mean to call you out specifically as there are so many guilty of such technique. Rather than dealing with the issues, it serves to attack the credibility of the messenger. I’ve been guilty of this type of deflective argument before, and work hard to bite my tongue when I get the urge to go that route.

What we have here is a disagreement of ideas, not personalities. In fact, regardless of prevailing opinion on this board, I’m actually a rather fun and humorous guy with lots of friends of all political persuasions…if I don’t say so myself! :-) If you’ve found flaws in my facts/logic/opinions then I’m open-minded enough to listen to what you have to say. I encourage everybody to prove me wrong! This is how I learn.

Therefore, I invite you to publicly call me out point by point whenever you’ve had proper time to rest, etc (I know the feeling)! Keep in mind that my posts are nothing more than responses to claims that Bush lied about the reasons for war! I’m very interested in this evidence that Bush lied, as it pertains to my rebuttals!

As for my points above…I stand by them until shown differently. I’ve seen no data that would show me that Bush has said anything different than all the other prominent politicians in D.C. as it pertains to Saddam regardless of political party.

As for Fox News, CNN, Aljazeera, et al, I frankly could care a less where the information comes from. I’m smart enough to decipher when somebody is giving opinion versus fact/emotion versus reality, etc. It is quite difficult to dispute a voting record, or a speech, as they are a matter of public record. This is the reason I was careful to use this type of evidence above, and is also the reason I weigh this type of information so heavily when forming my opinions. Message board banter and slanted news sources (regardless of right versus left) mean very little to me! I’m more interested in truth! It was not always this way back in my liberal college days... :-)

And, who has time for any of that TV stuff! I have a 17 month old that takes most of the free time. I only get news in trickles these days! :-)

So again…if you are so inclined…please provide a point-by-point breakdown that would show that what I have posted is not correct! It would be of benefit to me and all 3 people who are still reading this thread! :-)

*** Edited 9/1/2005 8:58:15 PM UTC by Jeffrey R Smith***

Jeffrey R Smith said:

When you add it all up, it appears that George Bush, like a lot of other people, was wrong about Saddam Hussein having stockpiles of WMDs.

Well let's just go with this statement as it appears to be something that we can both agree on. Let's leave the "lot of other people" out of this because, ultimately, the command for the use of force was his.

Why havent we heard President Bush say "I was wrong"? If I heard these words from him, I would be much more supportive of him and this "war' or "global struggle against terror" or whatever they are calling it this week. But instead, all I hear from this administration is how all these other peripheral reasons (brutal dictator, free and democratic Iraq, etc.) are justification for this conflict. Nothing refers back to Resolution 1441. If they stayed committed to Sadaam's refusal to comply as justification, I could at least understand it. But this citing of ancillary motivations. It becomes particularly troubling in light of the July 23, 2002 so-called "Downing Street Memo" which states in part:

C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

Makes it a little tougher for me to belive that the reports the Senators (D & R) relied upon were sufficient for said Senators to make a truely informed decision.

But hey, I guess you are part of the minority that believes that Bush is actually doing a good job!
PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux


I am nothing if not enthusiastic.

Ask anyone who knows me.

Especially when it comes to roller coasters. I'm ALL for them, brother!!!

I always vote YES on any proposition that has to do with coasters.

There. I've said it. Woooo Hooooo!!!

Barry J.

P.S. And yes, Rob, in actuality, it has been proven that the MORE coasters you ride, the level of your IQ dramatically increases EXPONENTIALLY with the amount of coasters you've experienced. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed. Complete and utter imbeciles are turned into genius wunderkinds who then are capable of producing 12-16 single-spaced typed pages Trip Reports right here on CoasterBuzz!!!!

We have great hope for Gemini.


Barry, you're equally as foolish as you call other people if you think felony, greed, graft and corruption is the sole domain of the Republican Party or Neocons or whatever. While the other guys are all hearts and flowers and altruism. And before you go off, no I don't think either side has much to brag about in the integrity department.

Both sides play the same stupid games-- make an accusation, if the accusation can't be proven, it's evidence of a conspiracy. And each side takes turns crying foul when they're accused of something.

Look at the city of Philadelphia where Mayor Street (D) all but openly handed out hand printed flyers saying that if you want to get any kind of contract to do business with the City you have to "contribute." It's funny how a number of low level bureaucrats where given substantial prison sentences for related crimes, but there seems to be no evidence at all against the big guns, who'd directly benefit from the corruption.

So we're left to believe that somehow a few clerks and aides were able to shake down major businesses and corporations for thousands and thousands of dollars totally unbeknown to the major players in city politics. Right. Why? Just out of loyalty?

Even the unsuccessful wiretap of City Hall revealed that in a City supposedly spending mucho amounts of taxpayer money on security, someone was able to enter the building, wander through hallways, and enter private offices without ever being noticed. Good thing they were only carrying wire taps and not anthrax or Serin.

Re: Iraq, our local representative is spinning as fast as Katrina. Now he's saying, yes, I voted in favor of the war, but I was "tricked." I have no sympathy for him. I may not agree with everything my reps in DC vote for, but at the least I expect them to be informed and have a clue what they're voting for or against. This latest spin IMO makes him look like a total bumpkin who fell off the turnip truck in front of the Capitol building.

Your assertion that the president is somehow uncaring because he only did a flyover is off base. I don't ever recall any president of either party doing anything different in the case of a disaster. These people need real help, not a president dropping by for some glad handing and a photo-op to show he empathizes with them. If he were there on Monday, you'd accuse him of seeking publicity and only being in the way. I take it with a grain of salt-- just like these forums, the fanboys can't see anything bad about their chain and nothing good about anyone else's. Substitute party for chain and it's the same bulls***.

Looks more like YOU'RE the one who sees the victims as "blue" and "red" (have trouble saying the words black and white?) Following your logic, the "red" folks of Mississippi and Alabama should be complaining they're being given the shrift when it comes to media coverage-- but then again both "blue" and "red" are equally without electricity. At least nature is color-blind.

As far as pride going before the fall, I'd suggest you follow your own advice. You sound rather self-righteous and smug yourself.

BTW, 2Hostyl my family and their union friends are coming to kick your ass. :) I agree about O'Reilly to a point too. He makes good points many times, but it's obviously more about him. He even cuts off those who agree with him so he can talk more.

I say take the whole lot-- Ivins, Coulter, Quinlan, Novak, Press, Limbaugh, Franken, etc. etc. and use them to plug up the holes in the levee. There's enough hot air there to evaporate the floodwaters.

In Spanish, Barry J Williams is a direct translation of Juan Kerr!

You learn something new every day ;)

-Jimvy! :)

In Hollywood, it translates as GREG BRADY.

Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooo!!!!

Remember when the Bradys visited Kings Island???

Double Woooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!!!

Barry J.

Gemini's avatar

Barry Williams said
We have great hope for Gemini

Despite my 19 coasters, I think my reputation here at CoasterBuzz is in pretty good shape. Sad to say the same cannot be said for you.

*** Edited 9/1/2005 9:34:17 PM UTC by Gemini***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

oh what the heck - I am still only just trying out some thoughts but I should share I suppose... Forgive my patchiness for now... It is late you know lol


RatherGoodBear--you sound like a real Barrel of Laughs. Remind me to have you over to my next party!!

That loud sucking noise you hear is the FUN being sucked right out of the thread. And, honestly, it's been a great run, but I think we need to MOVE ON.ORG!!!

HA! Just joking, brother.

Where were we? Colors? Missing billions? Let's stick to colors.

Oh, trust me. I know my colors. Blue, Red, Black, White. Gold. Green.

As a former Olympic Torch Bearer, I was chosen for that honor due to my work in the theatre with MINORITY CAUSES and tackling difficult issues. As they say in the South, I know from colors, brother.

I see yours, too.

Barry J.

Why havent we heard President Bush say "I was wrong"? ...

I could not have said any of that better myself. The man is not a good communicator. I'm frankly pressed for time, but I'll get back to you about whether he has said he was was wrong or not! I honestly do not know for sure. I find it hard to believe he has not apologized! But there is no doubt that your perception prevails…

Makes it a little tougher for me to believe that the reports the Senators (D & R) relied upon were sufficient for said Senators to make a truly informed decision.

The DSM )Downing Street Memo)...somebody has been hanging out on political blogs! :-)

Ever wonder why the mainstream press has avoided this one like the plague? It has been out there since May. In a world that loves scandal...? You are taking the handwritten notes of a bystander (who is unwilling to step forward) as fact? I could bore you with a wordy description of the word "fixed" as it is used in your quote from the DSM above. But I'll spare the time and effort until later...if you really want or need it!

Is there some evidence to back the DSM? Say, to refute the conclusions of the Butler Report (British), the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, or the 9/11 Commission, which all concluded that there was no improper manipulation of intelligence? Or are we now willing to disregard the conclusions of three official inquiries on the strength of one (word in an) unattributed set of minutes from a single foreign staff meeting?

Three official inquiries versus this memo… Let me say that the DSM does not pass my "smell" test! Does it for you?

But hey, I guess you are part of the minority that believes that Bush is actually doing a good job!

I've never said that at all. These are your words. I've just said he did not lie about the war. I would be in the negative categories on those polls too! Probably for different reasons than my friends from the left.

I'm not sure what angle you are getting at here, but I think that if you are assuming Bush has negative numbers because everybody thinks we should pull out of Iraq and/or that going to Iraq was wrong, you may be mistaken. This is purely my opinion/speculation...but what if the pollsters would ask a question to the American public like...

Do you believe Bush has been aggressive enough with respect to the Iraq war?

I wonder why we never see this question asked? Or maybe...

Do you believe that we have fought the Iraq war with too much political correctness?

Do you begin to see how these polls may be misleading? The way they ask the questions...the you approve?...model does not realty tell us why people are upset with the president's performance!

This is just something to think about when interpreting the numbers right now!


How green you must be. With envy, that is.

Me? Not to worry.

Hung Un Then Sum.

You know what they say about guys who insist on making penis size jokes--they're usually, well, you know. Miniscule. Insecure. Maybe even, shhhhhhh, gay.

From your photo, I now understand. It must be terrible to go through life as an alien abductee. I can't imagine the pain you suffer on a daily basis because of it.


Barry J.

P.S. And you an Anglophile, no less. Shame on you.

Gemini's avatar
You're walking a thin line, my friend.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Gemini--you've got to lighten up, friend. There is nothing here to be taken too, too seriously.

You know, I'm just trying to bring a little levity to the board today and take our minds off of the horrific and catastrophic situation unfolding down South. If we can't swap good, refined banter, share a few yuks, then what's the point?

I'll stand down for today and give it a rest.

You know I'm crazy about you, and think the world of you and apologia for any undue distress my outre posts may have caused you.

Invy will tell you that my reputation is sterling and above reproach. I'm not sure what above reproach means, but it sounded good at the time (!!)

He and I go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.

We're like brothers. From Another Planet.

Barry J.

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