Am I the only 1 who likes Slc's?

Ok, I'm probably the only enthusiast who is excited about riding an SLC. Alot of coaster-buzzers like to complain about these rides. They are roller coasters, mabey not a MF, but it is a roller coaster. They do offer a good experience in a small amount of space. So rather than knocking SLCs I want to know....WHO LIKES SLCS?
Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies? *)))
Me! I rode Serial Thriller this year and loved it. Not rough at all.
May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for Deja Vu!"
Okay, I like the way they look, but that is all :)
I have rode Mind Eraser when it is rough (later in the afternoon) and when it is smooth (in the morning). It is a completely new ride when it is smooth. Fast, fun, and great elements. On the negative side it is a little short and can also give a very rough ride.
YVAN EHT NIOJ -The Simpsons
Lethal Weapon at WB Movie World, a 1995 SLC is the best full-circuit coaster in Australia. It also holds the record for the most inversions. Well, living in Aussie, I have to make do with what we have & LW is GREAT fun! I rode it 11 times in one day with my friend. It does shudder a bit, that's nothing. Pulling up into the Heart-Shaped Rollover is awesome!

Home Park - Wonderland Sydney, Australia, featuring;
1) The Demon - 1988 Vekoma Boomerang
2) The Bush Beast - 1985 KEC Woodie (Clone of PKD's Grizzly)
3) Beastie - 1985 KEC Junior Woodie
4) More steel coasters please!!! Preferably a B&M Masterpiece!

Unfortunately I have only ridden Serial Thriller (my only SLC ride) once. To remember a great deal about a ride, I need to ride it at least twice. I do remember I had fun, and I don't remember roughness, but I just don't remember what the ride was like. It didn't stand out to be too painful, and I liked it, but I did ride it in the morning.
I have only ridden one SLC, batman the ride, at SFoT. It's one of my favorites! super smooth, fast and unpredictable. I thought I knew what it would be like but I was waaaaay wrong. And I love the way it makes your legs & feet feel.
By SLC's I think he means the Vekoma SLC. Its cloned often. Batman: The Ride is awesome, but hes talking about Vekoma SLC's. I, personally have never rode one, yet I really want to. They look like alot of fun and although I've never been on one, I still wonder why people rip on them so much.
I rode the Serial Thriller@SFWoA last summer and thought it was fun.
The only complaint I have with that coaster was the wait.
when kong first opened at SFMW it was very very smooth but as it aged it got really bad. hopefully the new coat of paint will help bring the ride back up to my top 5 list.

are you ready to go vertical?...V2 SFMW 2001 ...
I enjoyed the one and only SLC I've been on. It took a few rides before I figured out how to ride without it hurting me. I've been on several B&M inverteds and I thought the SLC was a nice change. I really like that heart(?) shaped part of the track (whatever term enthusiasts call it these days). I'm generally not super-fond of cloned rides but I only encountered an SLC once so that aspect didn't bother me.

I'm probably also in the minority here as I never rode a boomerang!
It's inverted.... It's good...
I like SLc's but there just bumpy.
Soggy's avatar
I have only ridden Kong once at SFMW, and I actually liked it. I went for the back row and did not get "headbanged" once. I was shocked. (due to other buzzer's warnings) I would have ridden it more, but my girlfriend didn't like it enough to repeat. It is a good layout, I am surprised another company has not copied the heart-shaped double inversion. (I do not consider the B&M "sea serpent" to be the same thing, not even close.)

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Soggy: Agreed, the 'sea-serpent' and the 'rollover' are really different. I kinda like slcs. I just think that some parks *koff*SFWoA*koff*SFKK*sneeze dont replace the wheels often enough so they tend to be rougher than needed. I also really like the station-drop-flyby right after the rollover. I think the layout is one of the better inverted layouts, twisty and compact.
--wha has a friend who actually enjoyed SFA's Mind Eraser to B:TR @ SFGAm
I have never found anything wrong with the Great Nor'easter at Morey's Pier in Wildwood. True, Vekoma SLC's are not as smooth as B&M inverts, but I wouldn't ever pass up a ride on one. The Nor'easter is great because of it's location above a log flume and through a tangle of water slides, but even if it was standing alone in an empty field, it would be good. The design is compact and unique (for a production-model coaster) and offers quite an intense experience.
SFNE's Mind Eraser was great when it was new. It was smooth and fast. The layout on SLCs is very interesting, albeit compact. I like the swooping drop, and the barrel rolls at the end. Even after taking several rides on the coaster, I was still disoriented. Unfortunately, Mind Eraser aged quickly, and although I still enjoy the ride, it is no longer one that I get terribly excited about.
Webmaster: Theme Park New England
john peck's avatar
I love the SLC. Its a great ride, gets a decent turnover, is easy to load, has a high thrill factor and fits in a small footprint and has a lot of bang for the buck.

However, and I have noticed this: especially with Geauga Lakes Serial Thriller, is that after the first season, they changed the softer restraints (since they were being damaged) and replaced them with higher harder and more durable ones which hurt more.

So, I still love the ride, but hate the newer restraints.
Thank you! More fans of SLC's! Hopefully we will get a super-slc!

Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies?
I have ridden Serial Thriller at SFO over 150 times, with 89 rides for the 2000 season.

I can live with the roughness, because I think the layout is actually pretty good.

It is a newer SLC, so I don't know if the older ones have unbearable roughness or not.

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