Air pipes at CP

I was at CP on Saturday(they have out done themselves this year for halloweekends, the park looks great at night.) and they have skids of air pipe along the causeway. CP has started most of their big projects in October before they announce them.
Jeff's avatar
Sorry to disappoint, but they're doing major sewer renovations, including the installation of a new lift station (used to get crap up hill... crap as in poo).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

New for 2002! The Sewer Run! The world's first sewer system ride!

Unfortunatly, it isn't the first, that honor goes to Paris, France.

I want my Hay Bayler back! Forget new rides! HAY BAYLER! While they are at it, why not bring back Tidal Wave too?

Creativity points to Paris!
MillenniumForce04 Would rather be riding Millennium Force than sitting in front of his computer...
A new lift station.  Hmm...are they expecting more "crap" next year? 
New at CP in '02--- it's the Super Dooper POOPER Looper!

sorry guys, couldn't resist.

God please let SFKK get something in 2002. ANYTHING!!

Combine an Arrow Pipline with a sewer line??
Called the ArrowPoopline?
LOL all of you are funny today!!!
Jeff's avatar
This topic has gone down the toilet. (rim shot)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

I was at Cedar Point on Saturday and noticed some activity near the old aquarium and dolphin stadium.  The concrete behind the stadium near the beach was all broken up like jackhammers had been taken to it.  Caution tape, barriers, and a construction vehicle wear also over there.  I wonder if this hints at a possible area for construction over the winter.  Maybe the boardwalk idea is actually going to happen.  We'll just have to wait and see.

Jeff said:
This topic has gone down the toilet. (rim shot)  

haha ha, hehe, ehh [choke]...

C'mon Jeff!  That's just wrong!  LOL!

Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!  too much!!!!
My daughter begged me to ride the kiddie coasters(blantant lie)
Will the lift station have a chain lift or a cable lift? :)
Nah, it'll have the all-new, unique, bucket lift...

"Beat the rush, sign up for your post-Mean Streak MRI now..."
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Jephry's avatar
Stoogemanmoe you have such a potty mouth. lol

"The opposite of war isn't peace, its creation," Rent.

*** This post was edited by Jephry on 10/9/2001. ***

NEW for 2002 The Pooper Shooter!

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