AIR gets buried in the hillside

Posted | Contributed by Taipan

You know that Alton Towers can't build a simple ride. For AIR, their B&M flier shceduled to open next year, see the latest construction photos here.

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At least construction is coming along. Looks awesome.


Let the bears pay the Bear Tax, I pay the Homer Tax.
what is going to be better about this flier compared to the one at Paramount Great America

rollercoasters rock!
Mamoosh's avatar
No one can compare the one being constructed with Stealth until The Alton Towers coaster is up and running. However I can say this [with a certain amount of certainty]:

The B&M creation at Alton looks as if riders are in the "riding" positon for the entire ride. The trains will always be under the track. On Stealth, a Vekoma creation, there is a relatively little track in which you are in the flying position. From the top of the lift to the second turn and just following the loop to the fourth turn. The majority of the ride is spent on your back on the top side of the track. The newer versions of the Vekoma FLying Dutchman opening at SFWoA and SFA have increased the amount of track in which riders are held underneath.

Which is the better ride? Too early to tell.
To bad Alton Towers has a height limit, which is really stuipd. Just think if there wasn't one, the height on there rides would be awesome, and exciting!

"Riding High"

*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 5/30/2001. ***
I disagree, I think the height limitation has been wonderful. I has forced Alton Towers to be more creative. As a result of this restrictions we've gotten Nemesis, Oblivion and now Air. Without this restriction, we may have only gotten normal coasters without nearly the amount of creativity and imagination that has gone into the rides.
As far as I can tell, the height limit has been no hindurance in making great rides at Alton Towers.

and after looking at those pics, I am *gasping* for AIR. ok, that was a bad one. Alton, if you wanna use that one in a commercial, go ahead

These people's copyright notice is horrible.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
The lay-out is stupid!You flie the whole ride!it's not fun!just some corkscrew hills and curves.
What. Seeing how you are vekoma fan. You are just mad Dutchmen has not flown as much yet as this will. I mean who gives a hell. Flying coaster is what it should be. And of course the coaster will curve.
Hey, if it's B&M, it'll definately be a keeper. They have been incredible with every other design they've come up with, why should the AIR coaster be any different? Just my two cents... :)
staticman00's avatar

Yeah, I hate those flying coasters where you actually fly the whole time. I mean it totally defeats the purpose of a flying coaster. Flying the entire ride on a flying coaster, what'll they think of next?
It's about time a company got it right, if you ask me.
"Hanging from their T's rated PG insight, I'm not selling my soul if there's nothing to buy."
Hey vekomafan, what's next? A stand up where you stand up the whole time? A sit down where you sit down the whole time? Maybe an inverted where you are inverted the whole time? And on and on and on......Being a vekoma fan, I hope you have a good chiropractor.
Yeah I think that is the point of a FLYING Coaster is to be FLYING while riding it!
Jeff's avatar
And to think I was going to delete that post. :)

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Jephry's avatar
The difference between this and Stealth is maybe this will have some speed to it, and maybe be fun

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
Or, if Nemesis was any indication, it will be much tighter and much more creatively worked.

Why did I know this would turn into a Vekoma vs. B&M thread?

If this is true, and B&Ms are under the tracks for the entire ride, then it's basically a new type of ride, like X is. Either that or they were just trying to be smart and save money on the onboard hydrolics and such.

It's coming...
If someone in the coaster industri is saving money, it's definetly NOT B&M. Their coasters are the most expensive in the industri, but their rides are worth every penny if you ask me. They'd just made the ride capasity bigger, that's all, and why shouldn't they use their inverted technoligy on this one?
Looks Awesome.

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