Admins suck, especially on this forum.

I've been reading here for a while, and i couldn't help but notice the admins, while on most forums, they do tend to abuse their power and act like total dickwads, they are especially dick wad-like on this website. i wonder why? *** Edited 7/25/2005 8:42:33 PM UTC by I am Elite and you are not***
rollergator's avatar
Could it be you? Nahhhhhhhhhh, couldn't be....;)
It's interesting that the initial post needed an edit...

Guess the author didn't get it just quite right...

Hey, you know what sucks even more? Stupid People. You know what sucks more than that? Stupid people that think waaaaay too highly of themselves so that they have to let everyone else know they are more Elite then they are.

Hey, sound familiar, stupid?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Consider me a dickwad. :)

1. If this is a legitimate concern, why the need to hide behind an annonymous name?

2. If the issue were truely a concern directly related to this site, then email the admins and take it up with them directly.

3. Dickwads? Well, if I constantly had to police the forums, just to see people constantly violating forum guidelines (ones they agreed to abide by), filling my inbox with the same pointless questions, and creating threads just to start a pissing match, then my tolerence level might be a little low too.

4. For every "dickwad" admin, whether on this site or any other, there are 100 "dickwad" users.

Most forums provide a free service of some sort, so you're playing by their rules; like it or not.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
The real dickwads are the ones who get in after close. ;)

Closed topic.

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