ACE Superhero Celebration-SFNE- 11/3/02-VIP ACCESS

Associated parks:

ACE Superhero Celebration-Six Flags New England
November 3, 2002
Time 12-9 PM

My dad and I headed to SFNE for this great opportunity. We brought SFNE Freak with us.We got to the park at 11:40 because of no traffic, and were in by noon.
One of the ACE benefits were "gold q-bots". They weren't really gold, but they acted like it. Each qbot could hold six people, but the whole gimmick was that you only had a 5 minute or less qline. But then there was a lull of 15-20 minutes so guests wouldn't get angry of the same people getting in line.

Our first ride was Thunderbolt, but we didn't need the qbot since there was no line at all. Good ride for it being early in the morning. 7/10, one above average on my scale.

We then headed over to Superman:Ride of Steel. Again, we didn't need the qbot. We got 2 rides with lines on the stairs, 10/10 as usual. What really sucked about this trip is that it was freezing! Later on on Superman, it was below freezing at night. We then had to try some Batman.

My dad wanted to see how the qbot worked, so we reserved. There was no line anyway, so we got in the regular line and got a spin. 8/10 in the very back, where it is best. We then got off and hopped in the qline, and got the same ride. Pretty cool to get 2 rides in 7 minutes.

Screaming our name was then Scream. We got a 5 minute wait with the qbot, so we ate some fries and hopped on. Unfortunately, it was only space shot today, so I couldn't take the pictures I wanted to resting on top of the tower. 7/10 We then headed over to the North End of the park.

Cyclone was aspinnin' today! Roughest its been all year, but best its been all year. Too bad today was the last day of the season. We saw the mysterious red train separated in cars over by the Crackaxle maintenence area. We also saw 2 large packages of wood resting close to Cyclone. Cyclone-8/10.

It was then 3 oclock, and time for the best part- VIP access for photos!

This was probably the reason I wanted to come most- ACErs and ACEr guests were allowed to go onto Superman's maintenence road and take photos, some unique angles never seen on photo by human eyes. My photo count got past 30 in this area, including my favorite pic of the train inches away from entering the tunnel. I also took 3-15 second videos of Superman. What was also cool was that when the train entered the tunnel, a huge echo was created! Very awesome. My dad talked to the park rep that was with us, and he told us about the Superman deal and season pass prices for next year, which will remain at 60 dollars. Sadly enough, we had to exit this special place. These one of a kind pictures can be found at

Time for a final Superman marathon. We got on 5 more times, the last two in pitch black. We used the qbot every other time due to the lull in time. I perfected the headless horseman photo also. We also hopped on Nightwing once.

We left the park at about 6:15. We grabbed some pizza and fries on our way out of the park. A great day, but at the end, sad because we won't be able to ride for five and a half months.

Park ratings-
dispatch/ride ops-(F)-dispatch is always slow, but having one train operation on all rides is even worse.
park/cleanliness/vandalism-(D)-Let's just say thank god it's the offseason now, maybe they'll work on it.
food/etc-(A)-Good ACE stuff, food was good as usual.

There was also a "last Superman ride of the season" at 9. But seeming that there was over 36 ACE people at the event and we didn't seem that the last ride was that special, that we just left and let some others have a ride chance that was being raffled to ACErs.

I lost my hat on Poison Ivy. How pathetic.

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