ACE day at Lake Winnie - 9/7/03

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I wasn’t planning on attending the ACE day at Lake Winnie, but the deadline was approaching, and Laurie & I decided to take advantage of the FREE fun and head out to the GA/TN border. The drive was fairly uneventful, but we safely arrived at the park in just under 2 hours and met up w/ Bill & Adam for a day of rides. Did I mention this event was FREE, with FREE food and FREE ERT? Lake Winnie really knows how to do it right!

After chatting outside the gate waiting for the park to open, we were finally allowed in for our ERT session on Cannon Ball and Wild Lightnin’. First up was Cannon Ball, which is like a smaller version of GASM at SFOG. It just happens to be a better version too! The airtime on the 2nd hill was awesome, there was no roughness, and you are launched into the roof of the brake shed on the final ascent. Even Laurie (my wife who is not a big coaster rider) enjoyed it! Just proves that you don’t need the biggest, tallest, fastest… to have a good ride!

We walked across the midway to Wild Lightnin’, and walked right on. There were NO brakes on this mouse, but it wasn’t as fun as other models I’ve ridden. The switchbacks on top are taken at a fairly slow speed, I think due to the fact that the cars just roll off the lift without a small descent like those found on the Mack mice. The 2nd half of the ride really bangs you around, especially the final turn.

We still had a ½ hour more of ERT, but we wanted to get on the Boat Chute before the line got long, so we headed around the lake to the other side. As we approached the BC, we noticed an extremely foul smell emanating from the lake. It smelled like the seafood section of the grocery store right near closing, multiplied by 100. The smell followed us into the pitch dark tunnel, while Bill & Adam told stories about what people may have done in there in the past. Not a pretty site. The hill was there, and we got a little spray of fish water – good think no soaking on this ride! It was fun for what it was, but definitely not a re-ride this day.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying the many flat rides this park has to offer. Joe and his friend (can’t remember his name at all - sorry), joined us for some antics after lunch. Here’s the lowdown on the other attractions we experienced:

Ferris Wheel: We were on the first loading, so it took a while to begin because of the balancing aspect. After it was finally full, we got a nice long and fast ride!

Slide: I’m sure we got some funny looks, but Bill, Adam, and I had to get a ride in on this! We even returned later with Joe for more fun.

Genie: Super round up that was fairly intense. I hadn’t ridden one of these in a long time, and this one sucked your face back the whole time.

Tilt-a-Whirl: The last time I rode a tilt, I got stuck spinning violently the whole time. Luckily, that didn’t happen this time, so it was fun. The cycle time was just the right time too.
Fly-O-Plane: I was really looking forward to this ride, partially because it’s the only one operating, and partially because I’ve heard it’s brutal. IT lived up to both of these descriptions! I got it to roll a few times, but spent most the ride either trying to get back up, or trying to stay level. This ride is a workout. I was completely out of breath, and my arms are still sore from turning the wheels. I think I did it wrong, but I didn’t want to try again.

Paratrooper: I was looking forward to this too, as I’d never been on a Paratrooper before. We got on this immediately after stepping off the Fly-O-Plane, and the ride cycle was just a little too long. I didn’t feel too good, so I took a break while Adam, Joe, and friend rode the VERY intense and fast looking Orbiter.

Conestoga: This was the surprise hit of the day. This rainbow was AWESOME! It was running faster in one direction than the other, but the airtime was plentiful. We rode this about 4 or 5 times throughout the day. The only problem was the ride cycle was way too short. It should definitely go around about 3 more times in each direction.

Pirate: The last time I rode one of these, I got sick, but I braved it anyways. It was actually pretty lame, as one of the drive tires wasn’t working, so it took twice as long to start and twice as long to stop.

Scrambler: This was the never-ending Scrambler, with a great paint job! We were laughing the whole time, as Joe felt he was being stalked by Newman, the ride op.

Wacky Worm: Credit!

Sky ride: The sky ride to nowhere was fun. It gave a nice view of the midway.

Bobs: The bobs, in the shape of sleighs, was fun, but it only ran forwards, and the ride cycle was WAY too long! It seemed as though we’d never be done with this ride.

Other than rides, we had some fun in the gift shop, played a game (I won 3 prizes and only spent $5), and laughed at the airbrushed sign for the Plunge. Apparently passengers can have sex on this ride, as indicated on the sign for the attraction. I also got to finally meet the infamous Scott & Carol (The Acers)!

Thanks to Lake Winnie, for inviting ACE for FREE fun and food, to Robert for making everything in the SE ACE region happen, and to Bill, Adam, Joe, and friend for hanging out for some good times!

Help! I'm addicted to and it's taking away from my pathetic online roller coaster message board time.
*** This post was edited by Matt D 9/9/2003 11:31:25 PM ***

rollergator's avatar
Great TR, Matt...Looking at the people you listed as attending, maybe it's best I didn't go...;) Kidding!

Honestly, I'll get over missing out on the events (RRR was the previous day), but I definitely will go next year, even if I have to drive from FL by myself...gotta get the Fly-O-Plane, and the Boat Shoot-the-Chutes, and the great old woodie and the mouse....but mostly I could just ride the slide all day...:). Glad to hear the Conestoga was run HARD, they make for a lot of fun when the airtime is there...

Robert Ulrich is an excellent rep, (and quite web-savvy)...:)....ACE is very lucky to have him....
"Ju-ju-just like the bad guy, from Lethal Weapon 2, I've got diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue, can't touch me...." The Peter Griffin Rap

It's nice to finally be in GA, closer to lmost everything! While living in Orlando, I thought I'd never get anywhere since it's so far to drive to anything. I've been in Atlanta for less than a month and have already added 14 coasters to my track record (including Deja Vu at SFOG which was always down when I would come up from FL).

I really wanted to attend RRR, but I'm still trying to gt adjusted to the Atlanta lifestyle (which apparently includes GREAT weather, especially the past 2 days).

No better time to visit SFOG than on season passholder day on Nov 8th. Let me know if you're coming up for it! Robert promised a "spring fling" type atmosphere.

Help!! I'm addicted to and it's taking away from my pathetic online roller coaster message board time!!!

Yay , a Tr about MY home park.

I agree with you basically on everything , but I love the Bobs Ride Cycle. I do that ride whenever I'm tired , and I just lay back and sleep , It must be like 6 minutes long! The Conestoga is the best addition to the park in the last few years , and definately worth losing the Musik Express over. I'm also glad to find out what was wrong with the Pirate this year , it's been broken for almost the whole season. I love the Fly-O-Planes , but can only ride them once a visit due to the Bruising that my thighs get doing Barrelrolls.

No train Ride or Castle? Those are classics.

Great TR. :)

LEEKO! LEEKO! LEEKO ! I'm a squeaky guy.
I've got squeaky pants.

We did ride the Castle. I think I forgot the ride because we were still laughing at the kids that were stading on the ride and almost fell over around the final turnaround by the station.

We were going to ride the train, but the conductor took a break, and it was time for us to go home. Now there's a reason to go back!

Help!! I'm addicted to and it's taking away from my pathetic online roller coaster message board time!!!

Good job with the TR, Matty. I had a blast as usual (hahah usual = twice) with you and it was great to meet your wife, Laurie. She was a blast on the coaster since she was so scared. :)

I really wish we could have done the train but I was defintiely ready to head out at that time. I love those kinda train rides though, so you're right, gotta go back!

Joe, who *really* wanted those porn star glasses! :(

You suck big time.

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