A rip rockin, hip hoppin day at AMERICAS ROCKIN ROLLER COAST

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Okay since I had school until 10:18 my dad and I didn't get to the park until around 12:30. Let me say this has been one of the most interesting/fun days I've ever had at an amusement park.


TTD was running all day :) I rode it 6times, my dad only rode 3. The front is the best, but the back comes in a close second.

Millenium Force was running excellent. Rode in front and back. This ride is so sweet.


There was some throw up on the ground.

Mantis killed my legs.

Basically it was a very positive trip. Since I already posted the Ride Reviews for TTD and MF I'll continue with the others.

Blue Streak-I remeber this being a lot rougher. Especially in the back. Nice pops of air. 8/10

Raptor-This is a good B&M, but it's a little rough toward the end. I still get dizzy when riding this. 9/10

Wicked Twister-I'm begininng to like this ride more than Steel Venom. I already love this launch more. 10/10

Cedar Creek Mine Ride-When I was on this ride someone called it a kiddy coaster and I wouldn't have to agree with them more. It's a nice "starter" coaster 6/10

Corkscrew-This gives all Arrow coasters a bad name. It should be call Headbang, not Corkscrew. 7/10

Disaster Transport-This is a lame ride. I dunno maybe it's cuz I didn't get to walk through the area with all the space stuff. I saw how much the theming plays into this ride. 5/10

Gemini-Front seat ride on the red train. They were only running one side, so I think it would have been better to run both. Still a fun ride anyhow. 8/10

Iron Dragon- I don't even know why we bothered with this ride. It's so slow and lame. 5/10

Magnum XL-200-I finally got a front seat ride on this airtime machine. I like the middle more, it gives you better pop. Not saying I wasn't out of my seat going down every hill, I'm just saying in the middle you go higher. 8/10

Mantis-I said I would never ride this again, but for some reason I did. Alls I can say is "AHHHHHHH My legs. and EEEEEEWWWW Bugs" Never ride this, and if you do be sure not to ride in the front at dusk/night. I was getting pelted with bugs. 4/10

Mean Streak-This is called MEAN, why? 6/10

Wildcat-Who needs the scrambler to be squished. Just sit with a person who's bigger than you and every time you turn you'll squish each other. A fun ride I can't deny. 7/10

maXair-A great spinning ride. It goes fast and high. I love this ride. I could ride it all day long. 10/10

Demon Drop-I had to ride it before it left. (there's no for sale sign yet...) It's a bit rougher than I remeber but none the less, fun. I still like Hydes better. 9/10

Power Tower(Turbo Drop)-All I can say is Geauga Lake needs to get one of these. 10/10

The best thing I saw was a 60 year old guy run to get in line for TTD. He rode it 36 times today, I have officially dubbed him "Dragster Dude".

~~~~Coaster Lover~~~~~~~~~~

Ellen glad you had fun. Hope your dad did as well. The reason they call the Mean Streak, well mean is probably because they broke the tallest and most likely fastest woodie with it when it was built. Kinda making it sound cool, but mean stands for the ride it gives, unforgiving if you use a thesorus. No biggy there. The big thing is here, i can agree with most of these to a point. Laughable fun times on CCMR, that is why i choose to ride it. It isnt nothing but funny to me. Gemini runs one train if the line is short, they usually do go down to two train operation closer to night, when crowds die down.

Resident Arrow Dynamics Whore

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