a lot of money is being spent at pki

The Eiffel Tower is actually 314 feet high and Drop Zone is a foot higher (exactly 315 ft.) than the special, famous, historic signature landmark, the Eiffel Tower.


Derek McBride
PKI Dude

Derek said: ....Drop Zone is a foot higher....than the historic signature landmark, the Eiffel Tower.

Historic?!?!?!? Dude, the park was built in the 70s. Does that make me prehistoric for being around before it opened? For crying out loud.


(who still has all his hair and teeth....not bad for 34, huh?)

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 3/5/2002. ***


Sorry, I just named the tower that way so it sounds good. I didn't mean to flame you.


Derek McBride
PKI Dude

rollergator's avatar
Don't worry Derek, I'm even older than 'Playa (by a couple months)....but then again, I FEEL pre-historic. Still got most of my teeth, not to mention a TON of dental materials...and hair, let's not get into that....

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 3/5/2002. ***

I remember hearing that when they originally painted the Eiffel Tower, that bees were attracted to the paint which caused a lot of trouble when they were painting it. The Eiffel Tower could use a paint job. I can`t wait to experience the experience of Tomb Raider: The Ride on April 4! Only 30 more days!

I`ve ridden Son of Beast 67 times!

If Paramount Parks overall are only provided $40 million dollars a year(what I heard) to do with the parks what they need to, wouldn't PKI have gotten at least $25 million of that or more?? Seems a lot for only one park in the chain, even though they are in bigger competiton and gain more visitors than the rest. Just a guess, but both numbers I could be wrong on. I'm sure the original number changes as they see fit.
Don`t most parks have a long range plan. That is what I thought. I thought that they had a general idea of their future attractions for the next couple of years. While many of these never take shape, I would think most parks would have some long term plan. Maybe King Cobra doesn`t fit PKI`s long term plan. I`m all for keeping King Cobra, but we have to look at the big picture. PKI will be constantly changing. IF they remove KC, they probably have a legitamite reason for doing so.

I`ve ridden Son of Beast 67 times!

Derek said:

Sorry, I just named the tower that way so it sounds good. I didn't mean to flame you.

I should have tossed in a couple of these :) :) so you'd know you were being doinked with. I wasn't serious about it!


(who's apparently a rather young 34....lol)

coastersrz said:
I remember hearing that when they originally painted the Eiffel Tower, that bees were attracted to the paint which caused a lot of trouble when they were painting it.

I don't know about that, but the last time I went up there, there were wasps SWARMING all over the place. People were huddled along the inside of the tower, begging the elevator to come back!

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

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